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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. We've talked some about stocking bass on this forum, thought this was an interesting video (scroll down to the lower part of the page to see the video). Mainly looks to be directed at private lake stocking, but there is some innovative thinking going on there. Titan Bass | Breaking Bass Barriers | United States
  2. Didn't know it had medical purposes.
  3. Good ol' American ingenuity will get them every time.
  4. That's why I moved to Bella Vista, just to save on Halloween handouts. No trick or treaters here. 😀
  5. Man you had a lump of cheese on there the size of that mouse's head.
  6. I would put just a little PB in the the 2 holes that are closest to the spring, that way he really has to put his neck out to get the stuff.
  7. Visited BPS in Springfield this morning, you can now swim with the sharks! I know this is something Pete has wanted to do so I took this shot just for him. @snagged in outlet 3
  8. Good job, I see a video like this and I start thinking it is time for me to start fishing Roaring River.
  9. Haven't had a mouse problem in a long time, but when I lived in Washington I would get them in the garage a lot. I used these traps - rub a little peanut butter into the holes in the piece of fake cheese, or you can rub cheese in there too. They can't slip it off, they have to get it out of the holes and BAM!, they are done. Very few misses. You can also adjust the lever arm and make it very sensitive.
  10. Wow, had no idea they got that big.
  11. Makes me mad when they win, I'll be back for revenge!
  12. Yeah Tak always looks like he is having fun.
  13. Just looked at the results - Matt Lee with 103 lbs., John Cox in 2n with 47 pounds, looks like Lee found them. Good to see Aaron Martens back fishing.
  14. Great stuff guys! I caught 3 shorts this morning.
  15. Well I stunk it up today, fished the same spots as last time plus a few others. Very little top water activity. Anyway, caught a grand total of 3 short bass and a white.
  16. Considering you didn't hit the water until 0800, that's pretty good.
  17. I'm impressed they got a striper in that murky water.
  18. Grocery store checker told me this one today. It's definitely a JF joke. @Johnsfolly What is the difference between an elephant and a Zippo? One is heavy, and one is a little lighter.
  19. I noticed it was pretty hazy out on the lake yesterday. Watched the weather report last night and apparently it is smoke from the west coat fires getting pushed here by the jet stream. It's going to be around for the next couple of days.
  20. Never have caught a seabass. They look like tautog.
  21. Didn't know they fin clipped hatchery cats. Biologists sampled the Beaver Lake Channel Catfish population in June and are in the middle of a stock contribution study. The AGFC annually stocks 60,000 Channel Catfish (average size of 9 inches) in Beaver Lake to supplement the natural spawn and provide better fishing opportunities. To evaluate stock contribution, AGFC staff from Charlie Craig Hatchery and Fisheries district biologists have marked the stocked Channel Catfish by taking an adipose fin clip. Staff can determine how these fish contribute to the fishery by sampling the lake with baited hoop nets. A total of 240,000 Channel Catfish have been marked in the past 4 years! In addition to the hoop nets. In addition to using baited hoop needs, staff are conducting an angler survey from March 2021 to February 2022 on Beaver Lake to get more information on these stocked fish. Channel catfish with adipose fin Channel catfish with adipose fin removed (adipose fin clip) We do not need any information from anglers who catch a fin clipped Channel Catfish. However, it is nice to see stocked fish contributing to someone’s stringer!! Send us a picture to jonthan.stein@agfc.ar.gov. Stay tuned for more channel catfish project updates!
  22. Seattle Sonics had one as a mascot, pretty well trained, it could do dunks off one of those little trampolines during half-time. Don't know what happened to it after the Sonics moved to OKC and became the Thunder.
  23. Got the boat away from the launch about 6 AM, it is starting to get light later. As I cruised by Emerald Beach on my way down lake, there were five rigs parked there and the boats were gone so I was a bit late. On my way back about 1030 AM, all those guys were gone. I headed right to a deep long dock that hangs out over 50 feet of water, it's one of those places that usually holds bass this time of year. Shad, shade, deep water, and overhead cover - everything a bass needs. Not long after I got there, a top water bite broke out, it lasted maybe 45 minutes but they were going strong. Mostly spotted bass, but there were a few keeper sized largemouth with them. I boated one of the keepers, lost another one that jumped and tossed the bait and caught some less than 15" spots and a couple of largemouth. Once the top water bite got slow, I started swimming a 3.3 Keitech, counting it down on a ten count then slowly retrieving it with pauses, a lot of the bites came when it dropped on the pause. More bass less that 15" again, but caught a couple of nice white bass. About 8 AM things got real slow - fished a few spots on my way back to Big M with the Keitech and picked up a handful of spots. Got back to Big M about 1130, loaded up and headed home. Ended up with 20 bass and a couple of whites. WT - 87 Lots of rec boats out there by 10 AM.
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