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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Man you think they would change that rule, so many bass fishermen are now using braid with a leader.
  2. Wow, that longer than 6' tippet thing is indeed crazy.
  3. Cool. I bet no one in the world will have a setup like yours for weighing and reviving those big boys. Mr. Morris needs to get a replica mount for the display room they have at the aquarium.
  4. Don't know where the State Park launch is - down by the dam? I don't follow the stripers once it gets hot, but spooning should work if you can find them. They should be down in the lower end of the lake now.
  5. That is really an incredible fish, congrats Bill!
  6. Wow, what a beast! Congrats Bill!
  7. I don't know that area you're fishing in, but I know that down by Big M where I usually fish it can be really tough unless you're on the right spots. It's a tough time of year too.
  8. Good deal, glad you and the family had a great time!
  9. Nice chunky fish!
  10. My grandad was a Missouri Bootheel farmer and back in the 60's they left pretty wide cover on the fence rows, I can't remember how wide, but I guess 30-40 feet. There were always quail around and they lived in those fence rows. Farming practices changed, and there's just nothing left for quail in that part of the state on those farms. Last time I hunted out in central and western Kansas there were quail around on public and private property.
  11. They are practically extinct around here. They are creating a bunch of quail habitat on the Pea Ridge battlefield, but you can't hunt there. Edit: Pea Ridge battlefield not Prairie Grove.
  12. I was grouse hunting in Washington state, for spruce grouse, which was usually a futile effort, but the season opened for grouse before the other upland birds opened. Out strolling through the woods, dog started circling and sniffing around the base of a big spruce tree, didn't see any birds, no points so I thought he was probably sniffing some varmint. Finally got him out of there, walk away abut 30 yards and hear that loud noise game birds make when they are flying and watch a couple of grouse fly out of the top of that tree. Another time a group of us were walking across a recently mowed hayfield to get to another spot, my dog locked on a small clump of dried grass, I walked over there thinking, yeah right - got about a foot away and a hen pheasant jumped out of there, I was looking right at her and never saw her. I learned to trust that dog. Sometimes he'd give you a false point, but if he got locked on something there was a good chance there was a bird there.
  13. Good advice ^^^^. I have not been out on TR in a few weeks, but next time out I may do some shallow square billing and throw a top water early and then go looking for deep water fish and try drop shotting and spoons for the deep fish if I find any. Pete Wenners always has some good tips: http://www.hookedonbass.com/FISHREPORT.htm
  14. The "Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch".
  15. Thankfully nothing serious at my house besides a few limbs down. Quite a few trees down, but they've done a good job of getting them cut up and off the roads. Did see a house near me that a tree had fallen on, there was already a roofing crew out there working on the roof. Storm woke me up about 11 PM, constant lightning flashes, howling winds, and it lasted for 20 minutes or so, power went out and was out for about 4 hours.
  16. Good to see you two get into them! I am a wuss, if there's lightning I am outta there. Had some pretty nasty stuff come through last night, quite a few trees down in the area, when it hit, about 11 PM, it was constant lightning flashes for about 20 minutes, wind was howling. Lost power for about 4 hours, but other than that it wasn't too bad. Sure would not want to be out on the water when something like that comes through.
  17. Vernon, I think we have discussed, several times, as to how your presence seems to attract rain. It's a nice day down here - please stay where you are.
  18. Here's something from AGFC. @Ham https://www.agfc.com/en/news/2019/08/23/land-donation-increases-future-opportunities-on-white-river/
  19. Can't get the link to work, but short story is 5 acres along the White river below lake Sequoyah was donated to AGFC.
  20. Great report! Good to hear Frank is still alive and well.
  21. Duane Doty is another option, I'd at least talk to Duane and see what his take is on fall fishing for walleye on the upper end of Bull.
  22. I use the EWG for C-rigs and T-rigs, but lately I have been using screw locks a lot to try and avoid the plastic pulled down to the hook bend situation on a bite. I do rig as shown in pic #1 on finesse worms.
  23. ell I just shot myself in the foot. My original lineup was Zaldain, Pipkens, Gustafson, Yelas, and Herren - I decided, after reading some "expert" advice, to switch out Zaldain, Pipkens, and Yelas for Herren, Combs and Hudnall. Zaldain is 1st Pipkens is 4th. After day 1 I could've had 3 of the top 4. It's early, but most of my guys, with the exception of Gustafson, are already significantly behind. Grrrrrrrrrr……….
  24. There's a certain dock in Beardsley that holds schools of jumbo sized largemouth year round. Pretty easy to catch, just cast a wacky rigged Senko near one of the dock cables and wait for the thump. However, one of the dock owners is a bit psycho. If he sees you anywhere near the dock, he'll throw rocks at you and make nasty comments about you and your family. There's also the rabid mink that inhabits that dock, sneaky little devil, you won't even know he's there until you feel him chewing on your ankle. PM OA member Abkeenan for GPS coordinates to the dock.
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