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jdmidwest last won the day on January 7

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About jdmidwest

  • Birthday 07/04/1963

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  1. I have found that the cheapie 4 dollar fillet blades at Wally World fishing section serve that purpose well. Schnucks has a Chuck Eye Steak that they cut 1" thick or better. Slice that sucker in half with that blade lengthwise and I have a nice pair of poor man ribeyes for 6 to 9 bucks. If they start to get dull, just toss them and get another...
  2. What got him, choke on a tampoon fly?
  3. Might be good in saltwater for sharks? Guess it would depend on what time of the month you are fishing....
  4. Tampoons may be considered chumming if they are used before you tye them on a hook..... Depends on Blue Ribbon or White Ribbon area.
  5. 8:40 PM on Day 7. Power on. Stoking fire and light and tv came on. Just got done with a roast and fixins in instant pot. Cresent rolls in the Coleman Oven on the camp stove. And fireplace warming house to 72 degrees. Shut lights out, too warm for furnace to kick on, and Dish Tv has too much snow on dish. So, antenna where we was when ice storm. Beat it down pretty good.
  6. jdmidwest


    Good looking scum bug.
  7. That would be boring as hell, sitting there all day.
  8. Day 6, 1/2" snow and calling for 7. They did set poles in place last nite, may come on today if the can work in the snow. Ho ho ho, it's off to work I go
  9. Maybe a crack pipe or 2, even a catalytic converter falling to the ground. I don't know where you would find public access to it.
  10. Mingo Swamps in the summer. Last Bowfin I caught, lost a pair of lip grippers to it when it started floppin and overtook my wrist. Below Pickwick on the TN river in a backwater.
  11. My Coop, over 10k spread out of service over many counties center of service is Fredricktown about 50 miles as crow flies. I am outer fringe of service, but they were only 1 pole away for the whole subdivision when we started back in 98. Others were farther and not much better. Ameren?, Citizens? They were first to come into the farm back in 1941 and family have been members since.. I was having troubles with the shutoff breakers this summer that were installed in 61 when Dad tore down the house and rebuilt the one I have now. Engineer came and and said that they were going to replace the pole also. When I asked why, as it seemed like a good pole, he said it was put in 1941 according to the numbers. They reinstalled it across the branch without even asking replaced a pole that Dad just sit shallow going over to out buildings.
  12. Day 5, took generator outside at 5am for coffee and top off refrig. Wife going to work today and I have been working since Tues. Not burning fireplace and will shut the propane off when I leave. Looks like first day above freezing, hopefully trees will melt some. Took first shower at daughters in town since Mon. Then cleared limbs for 3 hours and got funked right back up. Worked till 8 last night clearing road out from tree cutters clearing lines. Elec coop still few days behind probably. 1-2 in snow tonite and 3-5 tomorrow, probably heavy and wet. More lines will come down.
  13. Sorry, meant to say Grennel, dam spelchker.
  14. Never know, lowland backwater. Probably full of bream and cats, maybe bowfin and gar. Otters may have it picked clean. We shocked up crappie, bream, and a pirate perch on the Whitewater cutoff at Delta. Nasty mud bottom. Never really followed it down, guessing it runs into the Little River canals they dug to drain swamps. I have heard guys catching nice bass down near New Madrid on the Portage Ditch system.
  15. May work for you. When we did stream study of Whitewater River below the Diversion cutoff, we shocked up many small crappie in early 80's. May find same on Castor. The original channel was cut between Greenbriar access and Advance. Pretty well dried up pools up there. I guess it still picks up drainage down there, maybe current too.
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