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jdmidwest last won the day on January 7

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About jdmidwest

  • Birthday 07/04/1963

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  1. Had a big melt today, got up to 30. Burned the snow off fine. 40 degree rise today.
  2. -9 at farm this morning on weather station
  3. Speaking of Freaky Weather, flash flood last Sat nite at farm. Rained upstream and creek rose about 10 feet. Woke to this Sunday morning and only had my little Bauer 10" chainsaw. Took a neighbor with backhoe from other side and me on my little tractor to get it off.
  4. You could have stood on the pond today and teased him thru the ice... Tonite is supposed to be our cold one, then 60 by Monday. Made it to 19 today and no wind, I was getting hot outside in the nice warm sunshine. But slipping around all over on the ice where the snow melt happened yesterday.
  5. Heatwave here, 2. Farm is showing nothing, 0.
  6. I have a bunch of stamps from my childhood, doubt if they are worth much more than face value. Much like my football cards.
  7. But you will miss the bluegill bite in early summer. Caught a nice on down by the drain spigot one time on a popper. Lake was clear and I spotted him just suspended there. Dropped the bug on him and could barely grip him to get him off. Used to catch record longears on the creek that dumps in before you hit Mary Decker Shoals too.
  8. Do they even make 100 packs anymore? Most squander them out in 15 or 25 packs..
  9. Not sure if MDC is even allowed in there, its NFS territory. It has always been a nice place to stop. We used to drive around it, and go down to the 11 Pt and drop the canoe in and take a short float down to Greer long ago. That part has been abandoned. Maybe a trail left. It always seemed out of place, probably a CC project during the depression. Dam up a spring branch and make a lake to camp at near the best river in the state for fishing..... But, in past years they seemed to have abandoned it and let it go downhill. The Aquatic Plant project got out of hand and over takes it during the summer. Roads are grown over. And the local scumbags abuse it.
  10. I guess they stocked crappie to feed the pickerels. Never caught any there myself, but many of the pickerel, dink bass, and bluegill. Looks like lake in pretty good shape. Been a few years since I was back there. Moss was pretty bad and campground and road was getting rough.
  11. How do you INDEX spark plugs? Shims or washers?
  12. Exponentially, x2
  13. Time flies quick.
  14. Long slow pools with short fast drops at end of each. I have floated Saco to Coldwater in a long summer day. Put in at daybreak, come out at dark. Using GPS to keep track of location. That lower part to Sam A Baker has been jet boat in spring flows for me, but it is overniter.
  15. Many times
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