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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. I only saw them once in DC at the Kennedy Center. I did like their music.
  2. No one pulled anything. I go a lot without her. This is the least I can do.
  3. No I am not. This is a girl trip. I’ve only fished salt water once and it was a skunk.
  4. Perdido Key Florida
  5. I figured you would be fishing today. Good job as usual. The wind has kept me from going out and now I’m in MS taking my wife to Panama City. BTW it is 78° down here in Natchez.
  6. If I had a surf rod I would definitely sell it.
  7. Dutch

    1 day left

    Good luck on both adventures. I can’t think of a place on Stockton where I’d want to be in 40 mph winds.
  8. I’m fat but some of the guys I have seen need a shop crane.
  9. I didn’t know he was connected with Ranger. What’s Mike’s connection to Ranger? When I knew him he was our Champion field rep. I thought he just left the business and turned pro.
  10. https://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=AwrC3CLgbMFjwj4AJUEPxQt.;_ylu=Y29sbwNiZjEEcG9zAzEEdnRpZAMEc2VjA3Ny/RV=2/RE=1673649505/RO=10/RU=https%3a%2f%2fwww8.garmin.com%2fsupport%2fcollection.jsp%3fproduct%3d010-02233-00/RK=2/RS=vAYJUtXlThzsFJUWVB2Vh4rq4_Y-
  11. Maybe they were whites. They move around like a bunch of 8th grade boys.
  12. I heard that at the battery shop this morning.
  13. I thought muskies only went for high dollar baits.
  14. What bait do you use for suckers that trout like?
  15. Do you go down to the games?
  16. I took my neighbor today and we struggled from 8:30-12:00. We threw jerks, swimbaits, Neds and Shaky. He hadone feels good and I had nothing. We packed up and headed towards bigger water and started catching fish. We wound up with 14 but only one keeper. All but one were larger mouth. They were nice healthy 12-14” fish. Every fish was caught on Shaky. No other bait got a bite. The Deal was the most productive. The only common factor to the locations today was wood.
  17. Good day for sure congrats.
  18. I have a mold that makes that type of head. If you guys find a hook that suits you I could pour you some heads.
  19. Griz I can get replacements on Thursday. We need to do the exchange Wednesday late in the afternoon. I will pm you my phone number in case you don’t have it.
  20. Should have mentioned they are agms. I unplugged them overnight and checked them with a volt meter. They tested 13.24 on the new one and 13.06 and 13.07 on the old ones.
  21. My boat was gone for 2 1/2 months and my 2 year old batteries were in storage at the factory. When I got it back my 36 volt Ulterra was not as powerful as usual. I had Scott check them and he found one belly up. He replaced it ( he only had one on hand) and I went back to the lake finding a strong trolling motor again. I have 2 more ordered so he can replace the ones left. What I am trying to find out is how good the other two are. If they are only good enough for core swaps so be it. But if they are still functional, I want to trade them to someone who has some cores to swap. Do any of you have a definitive way to check them out?
  22. I have been fishing Table Rock since before some of you were born. My take on it is the numbers of big fish (5-9#) is down. I have no explanation for that. However, I have found that the number of total bass is up, this is especially true for spots and smallmouth which some attribute to the decline in largemouth due to viral hemorrhagic septicemia.
  23. Super. I had to stay home for the Chief’s game.
  24. Yesterday I tried casting around ledges. It was a fiasco. Then I found fish on M L and tried holding it above them. They would swim up to it then swim away. Next time I am going to use jigging spoons also. I know they will catch fish.
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