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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. Your best bet is probably Branson. You should have several choices.
  2. Rereading your post you stated, “I installed the chip.” Just what do you mean by the term chip? Is that an sd card with the update on it or some other card like your mapping card?
  3. Dutch

    USPS rant

    It is no wonder that they operate in the red. I need a new bobbin for my RTD. I ordered some and was sent an email with tracking. It was picked up in Denton TX. 12 hours later it got to Fort Worth TX. From there it was sent to Irving TX. At this rate a pack on a donkey would be faster. Rant over.
  4. Your wife sounds like a smart woman. I have cut back from around 6000 sq ft of garden down to 3/4 of a row of asparagus, 8 tomato plants and a raised bed of strawberries.
  5. I haven’t encountered any up the James above Thompson Hollow.
  6. My weather app calls for the possibility of snow one day next week. I’m leaving my tomatoes at the nursery for a few more weeks.
  7. With the crazy weather that we have had I won’t even tender a guess. In a normal year they would be spawned by now and I would be looking for them off points and on flats in around 20 feet of water, but this is anything but normal. Some years a TRD on a light head is the best smallmouth bait you can throw.
  8. Super glue gel is my bait keeper.
  9. We started on transition banks hoping for some cheesemaster jerk bait fish. Then moved to ledge rock banks cranking but the fish had moved. We were 2 hours in and little happening. The gravel was basically a go for broke idea as nothing else was paying off. We had a lot of fish bite the worm but not take it. They wouldn’t bite the Ned at all. I doubt that I could catch a fish on a swim bait if it were in a bucket.
  10. 5” Elaztech was best. The color didn’t matter.
  11. The Big M master at it again. Congrats on a good trip. On our end of the lake we couldn’t find any cove fish. Almost all of our fish were point related with gravel being best.
  12. I took my neighbor today. We didn’t have cheesemaster sizes but we had fun. He was using a jerk bait and I was using a worm. I have a love HATE relationship with jerk baits. He had a bass on and lost it. We stopped at several transition banks and I had some worm fish everywhere. We did some cranking.....O. Spinnerbait....O. Jig....O. Whopper plopper...O. Buzz bait....1. We wound up catching 32 blacks, mostly spots. We had only 6 largemouth. All the rest were spots. It didn’t matter the worm color, but my standup head was working today. If I weren’t such a sissy, I would go back down there tomorrow.
  13. It may be different since tomorrow is supposed to be rainy.
  14. Dutch

    It’s Early

    I used to put them out this time of year because I would spend a few weeks at MOPan’s pond then move to Stockton. I would wrap the cages in visqueen. It kept the frost out but they never produced any earlier than the ones planted in May. Now I just wait for May plus I don’t need 40 plants any longer.
  15. Lookin good. I hope to get on a few today.
  16. Dutch

    It’s Early

    May 9 is our last frost date.
  17. Can I borrow a helicopter? I am not going into the ticks and copperheads to look for fungi.
  18. Arizona or Egypt fify.
  19. I have to fish one for a while from March to November. It wouldn’t be like fishing if I didn’t. It should be getting about Ned time down there. For several years I camped on Stockton from April 16 to early May but we sold our 5th wheeler and don’t plan to replace it.
  20. Good looking fish. I wanted to be there but circumstances prohibited it. I plan to put in at Stockton Park Sunday. Did you throw a spinner bait any?
  21. Dutch

    What's Cooking?

    That’s hotter than my lead pot.
  22. Don’t you have chickens? That should be all the fertilizer that you need.
  23. Since when? I’ll play my BS card now.
  24. What is a worm casing? Is that something you put around a worm? Or do you mean worm casting as in worm poop?
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