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Id like to start useing a flutter spoon and I have a few questions on rod and reel set up I and I was thinking a heavy action rod with a fast or moderate tip and a reel like the lews super duty G or a similar reel. Am I correct on the set up or all wrong? 


When do you fish that spoon? This is something I know nothing about - however, it interests me.


That's way to heavy for the flutter spoon.  I usually fish it on a Falcon 7' cranker with 10 # Flora.   Your not fishing this bait thru the trees, your either fishing open water or over deep trees on bluffends.  Dixie Jet has spoons in 3/4 and 1 oz.  that work well here and most of the time I use the 3/4

The threadfin currently are the right size for the DJ and I have caught some suspended fish already on it.  It is good for chasing top water fish also.

Bites on this bait are usually light, no more than a tick as the bait falls, not on a completely slack line but one that you are maintaining the spoon on a free fall so it of course flutters.

The Flutter spoon is a great post spawn bait and works thru the Summer into the Fall where you have suspended chasing feeding fish at shallow to medium depth in the water column.  Not bottom fish close to the shore, but fish up in the water column over depth.

It is a fun bait and catches anything that swims.  It is surprisingly really good for walleye, as lots of these fish tend to suspend in the Summer off  the bluff ends.  You really never know what your going to reel in using it.  It is also a big fish catcher, catching big post spawn suspending females, it was kind of our go to bait prior to the swim bait.  It takes a while to master the fall rate and really is not a throw out and wind in bait however I have caught a ton on it just doing that.

I remember Beck telling me when I was not doing well on it  "Are you throwing it out and reeling it in or are you fishing it?"

Most flutter spoon fishermen are excellent with their electronics and see these fish suspended and fish to them or throw it on traditional locations that hold post spawn females.  1st. couple of weeks of June are killer

There was a poster here sometime ago that really caught them up the James River on a kastmaster using it as a flutter spoon.  I liked to read his post, but some thought he might be embellishing his results a bit, none the less he had it dialed in.

And of course we all know that a fisherman would never embellish his catchB)

Good Luck


IMG_20180529_103158327.jpgHere is a flutter spoon project that I concocted last year, caught a couple good ones, but never fully tested it.  

The two spoons rattling against each other may or may not be a good thing..... not sure yet.  They are 4" long.

1 hour ago, tjm said:

How is a "flutter spoon" different from a spoon?

It isn't.   It describes the technique.  Basically dropping it through schools of suspended bass that are wolf packs of lost & homeless fish because they get relocated 2-4 times per month.


Many years ago I read how a guy dropped  an eating spoon into water (from a bridge?)  and watched it flutter out of sight and fish hitting it repeatedly, it was supposed to be the inspiration for cutting the handle off a spoon and attaching hooks and casting it so that it fluttered down through the fish; dumb guy like me, I thought fluttering was how to fish a spoon.


Spoons & Silver buddies are neglected lures. Catch everything that eats a baitfish, fresh or salt. Will have to double some up for vertical jigging.


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