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Daryk Campbell Sr

OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Daryk Campbell Sr

  1. My kids are getting to a place where I can get more time away, and hopefully I get my canoe done by spring. That will open a but of opportunity for me to get out more than years past. I am also no longer needing to work 2 jobs, that takes a lot of time from hobbies. As Snagged mentioned, the waters near me are so low, I'm not sure how well I'll be able to paddle. We will see.
  2. The banks there are intimidating.
  3. It was. I also appreciate the camera work. No flashing lights, or distractions. Just pure music, and soul. Love it. https://youtu.be/NCrWp1kPHtw?si=MknBlWehlsg_Qoc-
  4. Too much history and I will be napping. 😆
  5. Sounds like the Montauk guys have taken to bass fishing on boats.
  6. I was curious if it was a holdover, but the video I seen was very poor at reporting any details other than it fros from a stocking program. I wonder if mammoth would eat trout.
  7. I've actually only seen the first 2. I like the idea of it, but on the other side of the token, how many things have we regretted altering? Currently they are trying to introduce a new mosquito. I believe they are close to releasing it in Florida. It will compete with the native mosquito and eventually wipe them out. Then supposedly, the lab version is to die out. All well and good, until you take away food sources (mosquitoes) for some other animals (bats, birds, fish, etc), and they become endangered. ....and so on up the chain. Bats are already having problems locally. I believe your statement was in comedy, and my reply is definitely light hearted. And, quite honestly, a group of mammoths or mastodon would be pretty destructive. We have Mastadon State park near me, and there is a replica skeleton of a mastodon in the visitor center. Pretty impressive. Makes the elk look like large dogs.
  8. I really hope they are not successful in recreating any species that have become extinct. There are many more problems they will bring, vs solutions.
  9. Smoked pork steaks. Free from a Kenricks coupon Rachel found. Honey was gifted to us from @jdmidwest. Flavors, priceless.
  10. Heard there was a game going on. No desire to watch it. I have been wanting to use a flat top griddle, but don't really want to buy one, or store one. I have a small propane grill, and have used a cast iron griddle on it. The problem is there is no drain hole. I use it on my stove to also. I bought a sacrifice cast iron griddle that has a drain valley. I drilled a hole, sanded it down because it was very coarse. I seasoned it, and gave it a try.
  11. For those following for next year, Phil started a new thread Taneyfest 2025, for Feb 7,8
  12. Interesting. I'm not seeing a real reason to demolish it, other that potential liability for upkeep and damages. I also believe bringing back to nature can't be the worst thing to happen. I can sure understand the homeowners and property owners nearby who want it to stay as it is.
  13. Went tonight. Caught on a jig from Lilley's. Same one I caught the trophy rainbow on. Broke it off later in the evening.
  14. I would love to see what you can do. Honestly mine is nothing special. At all. It is really just a piece of fiberglass rod from an electrical wire routing kit. I used a mini lathe to taper it down. The guides are eye pins from the sewing section. UV resin. The handle which proves to be much too short is 3 pieces of craft cork turned in the lathe to resemble a handle.
  15. Went down after work. Caught on my homeade flyrod, and flies I tied.
  16. You know what they say about publicity.
  17. Thanks for taking the time to hang out with us. It was really nice to put a face to the name.
  18. Is this a boat rental, bank fishing, bring boats, etc? I'm really not sure how much I can squeeze out before the wife considers shutting me down. But this sounds interesting.
  19. Well, since you brought it up..... I bought a handful of flies and jigs from Lilley's fly shop. Put them in a safe place so I wouldn't forget to take them when we went fishing in about a half hour. When it was time to leave, I couldn't find them. Searched everywhere I had been checked my pockets many times. They were just gone. So, I went and bought another handful to replace them. (Worked out well as I caught my first trout on a fly rod). After fishing and while removing my waders, I found them. They were in my right wader leg. Not sure how I didn't feel the plastic cup rubbing my leg. Good times.
  20. I want to, but my daughter is performing in a play. Guys, girls, you really should take advantage of this offer. Cody is a great guy, even sacrificed his foot to the cold water/air last weekend to get us unstuck. Fun times will be had.
  21. Hesa keitech guy.
  22. Show up next year, and we just may be talking about it again.
  23. Taneyfest leftovers for lunch.
  24. Belated Happy Birthday Bill, we do appreciate the info, and the stories.
  25. I think that would be amazing.
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