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Daryk Campbell Sr

OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Daryk Campbell Sr

  1. Great discussion. I really do wonder if they can determine sounds of certain frequency, but not others. Or do they have super hearing that we cannot pick up? Do trolling motors give a weird vibration that is annoying to fish, possibly? Maybe it isn't the sound at all. We all wonder if our lures are going to entice a fish to bite. But, what is it about our presentation that draws them away from hundreds or thousands of baitfish? If they aren't eating the baitfish actively, why are we arrogant enough to believe our lure should be bitten?
  2. Yes, I'm interested in seeing it, as well as progress.
  3. So, the epoxy was applied thick and I had other things to do and it got some thick runs. That's not abnormal. Next step was to sand that down. 80 grit with electric sander to 120, to 150 and 220 by hand with multiple items used as sanding blocks. Pool noodle sections work very well. Next shows my Slide Board. It is what inused to transfer or slide from my wheelchair to another thing to sit on, couch, chair, bed etc. Since it was a major factor in my life during the canoe build, I wanted to incorporate it. It will be cut down to be the thwart/handle. Next you get to see my collection of clamps. One thing I've learned while building boats and canoes is, you can never have enough clamps. Truer words may never have been spoken. I believe I own over 90 clamps. I can tell you, it would be nice to have more. If I was a thinking man, I would have worked on the seat and frame while I was sitting doing nothing for a couple months. Well, as 'ol Forrest Gump once said, "I'm not a smart man...". I will be webbing the seat and later may decide to update it to a caned seat. Winter project. That brings us to this evening's progress update. I've installed the port side inner gunwale. They are cherry wood. I need to figure out the decks, and if I want to try closing in the ends, as they are not great to look at. And quite honestly, I'm OK with that. Gotta keep moving. Decks, outer gunwales, varnish, seat and thwart. It's getting close.
  4. Hopefully the pending sale goes smoothly. I'm currently building mine, and really looking at another option. I'm really liking the NuCanoe Ultimate and they now have the U10 which is a 10'10" version. They are canoe/kayak hybrids. I've been wanting one for quire a few years, but just out of justifiable price range. Soon...
  5. I've been told Imos holds some kind of trademark on the Provel name, so that's the reason it's "St Louis Style". Similar to the use of the "Big Game" in football.
  6. Awesome catches. With a board to prove it as well.
  7. They moved. Just a head up. They are now on Southwest where the old hardware store was. My favorite is the first I ever had Southwest Special from Southwest Market. Not a fan of the Hot Salami or Volpi Salami. Amighetti's roast beef is always great. Oh an Mom's now takes credit cards. I didn't get to eat there for years because I forgot to get cash. I always get Fishing and Small Game license, but haven't taken a furry animal in years.
  8. Bill, I understand. Also wanted to say thanks for letting us know. I won't look for the mentioned post, I honestly don't remember it. I am glad to hear you didn't give it up. I was really concerned for you when you started selling so many items, including your boat.
  9. Things I like about any service worker. Honesty. A brief education on what happened, how I could have prevented damage or how to maintain an item. And don't be "too busy" to look me in the eye and hold a small conversation. Little extras. You know, the old ' I adjusted the idle air mixture as it seems yours was just a bit too rich and I believe you will get a smoother idle." Or "Your (insert item here) was a little out of line and I adjusted it". Or what ever item is being serviced is delivered cleaner than I last saw it. It just gives a personal touch and shows the service provider cares. These kinds of "extras" are what make me a loyal customer. There are many people who can service, or repair, heck I can do alot of these things myself.
  10. You got it. Seems some believe it to be poisonous, but it is also believed to be a myth. Interesting.
  11. Well, low and behold, I did. It was a pretty quick trip. Only a few hours. Went to Pensacola to pick up my son from my niece's house. Left Friday back home Sunday (we flew). Had a few hours to try some shrimp I tied. No luck. Went to a new spot used my nephew's spinning rod, and a Berkley Gulp Shrimp plastic. The tail got bit off pretty quickly. I kept using it, getting hits, but no hookups. About 20 minutes and a few retied jigheads, I caught my first saltwater fish. He believed it was a Spot. I have no idea. It came off the hook over the shore and fell back into the water. I'm smiling still as this little fish, Mayne 6 inches fought so much harder than I could have imagined. It really was exciting. No pictures of mine, but here is a picture of his catch. He called it a booger fish.
  12. Request from a forum member having online security issues. I'm heading to Tennessee in the morning for all of next week. Starting outside sieverville for most of the trip, any of you guys know any good spots to bang on some TN trout? I know Ness on the forums knows where the native brookies hang at in GSMNP, could any of ya ping him for me on OAF? So, @ness or anyone else. Any ideas?
  13. In the last year or so I've been watching videos about the Driftless. I'm very intrigued by it. I would like to spend a few days there. Most people don't know anything about it when I have asked around. Any suggestions on where to start as I know nothing. Lodging? Laws? Thoughts? Things you wish you would have know to reduce the frustration curve? @fishinwrench, what's wrong with mop flies? I see people put them down, but I don't understand the hate. (Honest question).
  14. Groaner alert.
  15. Just curious if Jeff has some kind of special antenna.
  16. But..??? That's a St Louis news channel. How did you see that?
  17. Those are decent size fish for those locations. They do get bigger, but also smaller. This ain't Texas, not everything is expected to be huge. LOL. Good to see new posters, welcome.
  18. Because life is short. Do what makes you excited. You should really take the trip.
  19. I've been cutting strips for the gunwales on my canoe. The tablesaw sure excites them. They come swarming. Honestly had over 10 each on me and my neighbor who's saw I was using. With a few buzzing around. What's kinda of strange is, you catch one, throw it, it will return almost perfectly to the zone of which you caught it. Sort of like nature's own boomerang.
  20. I caught a nice bluegill in the creek. I'm still limited on how much bank I have access to, so don't let my catch fool you. I had a carp take it, and a gar, but I couldn't keep them hooked. These were tied by @Ryan Miloshewski
  21. Reminds me of a camping trip a couple of years ago. My family and a close friend's family camped near our house. Just a weekend getaway. Threat of rain all weekend. The radar showed it was definitely raining on us at the current time and location, while we were experiencing clear skies. We would have appreciated some rain as it was very hot. Never happened.
  22. Sorry to hear about the finger. Glad you all continued. Sounds like a great trip.
  23. Can't beat a PB of any fish. Thanks for the report.
  24. When I first moved to Festus, we had a very similar phenomenon for a couple years. It seemed to break just north or south of Festus each time it rained. People thought we exaggerated, until they seen the trees, fields and lawns. Water is not cheap, as we are on city water. Our water bill for one month of trying to save our sod when we moved in was over $300.00. We let it die after that. Very strange how weather affects certain areas. We really don't realize until it affects us directly.
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