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About fishinwrench

  • Birthday 08/18/1963

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    Lake of the Ozarks

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  1. That was my immediate thought. There is only 2 places on the Niangua between Bennett and Barclay where a 5'6" person can't stand with their head out of water.
  2. That red spring and small white plunger goes UNDER that diaphragm. And the paper gaskets always go next to METAL. πŸ‘
  3. He's a She now ! Those are a PIA to replace.
  4. They don't become she/her until bolt threads and screw heads start stripping out, linkage pieces refuse to be aligned properly, your hands & fingers look like they've been through a meat grinder, and you suddenly realize that you've spent 3x more time & money on it than you initially planned to. So yeah, most turn out to be SHE's.......but that's ok, it builds character. πŸ‘
  5. Pretty sure they are paying for the repairs on the second one out of pocket. Or that kids insurance would equal more than the cost to support her. The first thing I preached to my kids when they began to drive is.....If a critter runs out into the road in front of you MAINTAIN YOUR LANE. If that means hitting a deer,dog,coon, whatever....just do it. It's actually pretty hilarious that the girl plows right into the back of a full sized road-grader......but runs clear off the road to avoid hitting a kitty cat ! πŸ₯΄ Her defense is.... "The road grader didn't have any brake lights or turn signals". Well, NEITHER DID THE STUPID CAT !!!!
  6. 🎡🎢🎼. Daniel Boone was a man....Yes a biiiig maaan.....But the bears were bigger and he ran like a ______ up a treeeee 🎡🎢🎡 Anybody besides me grow up singing that version?
  7. One of my daughters friends parents bought her a brand new car, for her first car. 4 days later a kitten ran out in front of her (so she claims) and she took the car over a hillside, totalling it. Her parents just went right out and got her another one πŸ™„ And what does the kid do? She rear-ends a road grader with it, and it is currently still in the body shop. That's 2 BRAND NEW cars in less than 2 months. Nobody is dead YET......so I guess that's good.
  8. She'll just have to get better at talking others into taking her wherever she wants to go, until she can improve her depth perception, and realize the value of the things she can destroy without a care in the world. How many fenders, mailboxes, and retaining walls are YOU willing to pay for ? πŸ˜…
  9. My youngest daughter just got hers too..... but I've decided that she is NOT ready. I don't give a darn what the inspectors say, she isn't leaving this property behind the wheel of a vehicle until I am convinced that she is safe. Had no problems at all with the other two.....but this one here is quite a challenge. Some people just shouldn't drive, and unless there's someone in their life that has the balls to declare that.....at the expense of "hurting their feelings"......bad things are gonna happen.
  10. Pushing a kid, who doesn't want to drive, to drive......is a HUGE MISTAKE. The reason that I hate to drive anywhere nowadays is because you can't just relax and cruise anymore. Too many idiots on the road that I feel like I have to constantly defend myself against.
  11. Actually they were originally designed to operate like a drywall anchor, to fasten the unit when you can't get to the underside for attaching a washer & nut. That was fine back before trolling motors weighed 200 pounds πŸ™„ Isolating from grounding to the hull wasn't a THING back then. πŸ˜… And still isn't....unless you're a new-age punk who's all concerned about RF interference on your Forward Facing Sonar unit. πŸ™„
  12. You would ALSO ground the unit to the cranking battery. You are not depending on the cranking battery to supply the ground connection for the FFS circuit. You are merely connecting the negative (-) side of the FFS circuitry to the engine..... which is in contact with the water at all times. They could have easily included a ground into the transducer harness, to serve the same function, but they didn't.....or haven't YET. (probably in an attempt to eliminate/lessen RF noise distortion from the trolling motor)
  13. It is best NOT TO. Keeping those two circuits as isolated from each other as humanly possible will result in a better overall system. Almost impossible on an aluminum boat.....but not entirely impossible..... A rubber inner tube gasket between the trolling motor and the boat hull, and using MOTORGUIDE mounting hardware can accomplish the task.
  14. It is merely a jumper wire which creates continuity from the ground of your FFS unit to the negative terminal of your engine cranking battery. And NOT the trolling motor ground. Isolating those two ground circuits helps to eliminate feedback noise (distortion) when operating the trolling motor.
  15. I have attempted to use it on tricky mechanical issues. I've found it to be obviously commercialized. But that might improve with time.
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