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Jerry Rapp

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Jerry Rapp

  1. https://angling-international.com/2021/10/21/gary-yamamoto-custom-baits-sold-to-hunting-and-shooting-giant/
  2. back to the magazine itself, I wonder what the cost is to produce it? The all glossy format is expensive. There is no advertisements to off set the cost of production and mailing. If anyone knows the total cost of producing and distributing the magazine it would be interesting to compare it to their overall budget.
  3. at the first of the year I was very disgusted with his defensive coach hire and accused Drinkwitz of being a used car salesman. I will take back those words for a while and see what happens next year. I have never seen a team look so lost in the first few games and then make a complete reversal. The first few games they couldn't have tackled a mannequin that was standing all alone.
  4. the last couple of miles of Hwy 72 going into Fredericktown got hit by a F3 tornado Sunday evening. Very extensive damage. If viewing "nature" is your thing, there are lots of things to go see in the area. Millstream Gardens is popular also. Taum Sauk mountain pump storage facility is pretty impressive.
  5. "fish were so plentiful they couldn't navigate through them" Interesting comment. We have been led to believe that harvesting fish is necessary to maintain a healthy population. Either that, or there was an earlier invasion of Asian carp? Where is MDC when you need them.
  6. my wife and I were talking today about what things were like two years ago, Oct 2019. Unemployment was super low, minority unemployment was at RECORD lows, the country was energy independent and no one was griping about gas prices, the housing market was doing great, building was going strong.....but now, just two short years later all you hear is doom and gloom. I wonder what changed?
  7. they are getting their money from the same place that people are getting their money for used boats, trucks and RV's and fishing 7 days a week. They just spend it at the casino's. Just keep paying your taxes so they will be happy.
  8. that has to be the best Kool Aid inspired quote of all time. Might as well include all the major cities. Thank God it has nothing to do with Democratic control.
  9. really enjoyed the story. Thanks.
  10. has anyone ever actually met oneshot to verify is existence?
  11. speaking of life jackets, it amazes me to watch floaters with their dogs coming down Black River. The majority of the dogs have their life jackets on while the humans do not. I just shake my head in amazement.
  12. the chief hasn't been around for a while either........ I wonder if they are one and the same?
  13. until gigging is banned any smallmouth regulations are a mute point
  14. but the Big M area is where you really need to go for numbers and HUGE bass.
  15. a Classic observation - they fish 4 day tournaments all year to qualify for the Classic. Then it is a 3 day tournament. Why? What if the NFL only played 3 quarters in the Superbowl? I have never heard BASS's reasoning on this. Do they have a reason?
  16. 60 degree surface temp in mid May is not normal.
  17. is there anything that is not rising in price? Should be a good cost of living adjustment this year(LOL!)
  18. you need a new boat Quill. That measuring stick is fading and looks worn out.
  19. yep, give up everything that you enjoy to eat and drink. Get healthy. Live to 95, the last 12 to 15 years in the nursing home hoping to win Bingo at least once a week, but by God you ain't dead. Moderation is about the best I figure I can ever do. Then take my chances that an 18 wheeler doesn't T-bone me on the highway.
  20. that's is debatable.
  21. what a difference a year makes. We were energy independent. Full employment. Have you priced used trucks or boats lately? As mentioned, houses are selling above list price. A month ago, we sold some land along upper Black River that we had bought in 2014. Listed it at a stupid price, and had a buyer in 3 hours plus 4 more in line waiting in case the deal fell through. Left money under the table for sure. Just got a notice on the valuation of our house going up, so taxes are going up. I understand that this is the price of increased value, but many around here are griping big time. As mentioned, the bubble is going to explode sooner or later. I would definitely label it as inflation, but inflation has been redefined so many times that it is hard to quantify it. Hidden inflation? As long as people are getting paid not to work and are living the "good life" demand for everything will remain high, and prices will only go higher.
  22. vacation and chores do not go together.
  23. neat idea with the bobber
  24. Toledo Bend and Sam Rayburn have many, many, many many acres of water that is less than 20 feet deep. In most years those shallow acres have weed growth. The amount of livable water for the fish is much more than an Ozark Lake. There is not just one shoreline. That's why on MLF there were boats spread all over the place. Bottom line, every public fishery is getting more and more pressure every year. Is it sustainable?
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