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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. West Virginia, Virginia mountains and North Carolina mountains are some of the prettiest country this country has to offer.
  2. Don't know about the acorns this year but the walnuts are a bumper crop at my place.
  3. One last swim in Lake Crisco. 😎 Those are some real beauties. Been a while since I fried any whole and scaled like that. It's a good way to cook them though. The crispy fins are the best chips ever.
  4. This horse is dead.
  5. Well by golly at least 🎯those Razorbacks made it close.
  6. I'm nobody and betting no money but what I have is on Arkansas to actually win in an upset.
  7. Anybody got any fava beans and a nice chianti?
  8. Getting called a liberal shouldn't be a problem for a liberal. Surely it's not for me. I self identify as a social liberal and a fiscal conservative. And a redneck.
  9. Closed by request of OP.
  10. Just slightly aft of mid boat.
  11. Correct. Always a therma rest sleeping pad and a tarp for shade if it's hot or to have shelter outside the tent if it rains. Tent is a 4 man Eureka Timberline. Perfect for one or two people. One thing I really like on a float trip is a roll up full height table - makes food prep and a place to sit down and eat without a paper plate in your lap really nice. Two burner Coleman stove and Coleman lantern always go too. On a longer trip with multi boats there's usually a small chain saw too. I like to rough it easy. Some good scotch and a good book complete the deal. I've got a grandson who likes the rivers too. Instead of buying him a computer for his HS graduation present, I bought him a Wenonah Prospector 15. Something he's going to be able to use for the rest of his life and will never need a software upgrade. He can be handy to take along.
  12. Mad River Legend 15. Pretty good boat.
  13. Excellent point regarding bone dust. My rule with deer is exactly the opposite of the fish rule. Deer = if it's not red you don't want it. Fish = if it's not white it's not right. NO red (on freshwater fish - the ocean makes it's own rules that vary by species)
  14. I prefer venison that's been handled like it was intended for human consumption to beef. Do the tenderloins, backstraps like any good steak, cut about an inch thick then grilled medium rare. Round steak floured and chicken fried. The rest of the deer is ground into burger, taking care to eliminate any deer fat and tendons from the grind. I like pork fat at about 15% over beef tallow.
  15. Wrenchy Lakewater is so much more European.
  16. Somebody has to sweep up and clean the bathrooms.
  17. Phil it's a great topic that is very timely. I was down today and honestly I saw more dead trout than I did people catching. And big ones, ten or so in the Point Lookout hole. Talked to a couple of guys from Arkansas who told me about snagging what they estimated to be a five pound fish that was obviously on his last legs. Tough time of year for the fish.
  18. You are back. Tell son you're welcome for Spade. Split the bingo take with me now or no Spade from now on.
  19. Nevada area. My grandsons and a couple of friends always seem to do well. This is the third picture he's texted me this season.
  20. Terrierman


    The unranked Hogs flat put it on those Longhorns. It was a fun game to watch as I'm one of those people who thinks Texas is great except for all those Texans who live there.
  21. My 9/11 story is I'm still here. The other one is everlasting incredible admiration for the "Let's Roll" passengers. Goosebumps just thinking about it.
  22. Not violence. Aging sewer system that's a maintenance night mare with sewer bills that are > $100/mo for a residential user. And needs major upgrades soon. NO community water system - a patchwork of aging and inadequate private and POA systems. No fire department, they rely on Stone County Volunteer FD. Aging population that won't fund anything. They can't keep a city manager, city attorney, city clerk, street department you name it... Their town council meetings are the definition of dysfunction. It's a town in a beautiful place that I would never live in or recommend to anyone I cared about. Been around them for way too long, heard how the next guy is going to fix everything and he/she doesn't make it six months before bolting.
  23. Kimberling City has a lot of problems in addition to the police force. A LOT.
  24. Now here's the oneshot we all knew and loved. How many of them Cajun Queens got in the way of you looking for work there, General?
  25. Hard? Not with you in the boat. You could stand in the bow on that anchor holder and deployment thingie.
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