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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. Quite a fish!
  2. Duane, you are one very talented guy.
  3. Happy Birthday Phil.
  4. DNA testing for all record fish would seem to be the only way.
  5. Facts have a liberal bias. At least that's what I've heard. #forgettheconspiracytheory
  6. It's about time. BASS and all the other weigh in operations need to either get a clue or just fade away.
  7. That's the same fish over and over. How you did all those costume changes though, that's impressive!
  8. Mostly smallmouth but a few goggle eye.
  9. You inspired me. Waded down there today myself. It's a good thing I am happy catching little fish. The trophy today was probably ten inches. But there were fish everywhere they were supposed to be and they were active. Its a perfect day for it.
  10. I do my share to kill a few every year. I'd rather eat venison than beef. It's not hard to stay legal these days. Write me down for a fan of tele check, landowner tags and bonus doe tags. I was checked at the house about 20 years ago. The agent was not intimidating, but was intimidated to be met at the door by me and a big black lab who was not a fan of getting the door knocked on by a stranger after dark. He was very polite. The agent. The dog was only more or less polite.
  11. sure did. a good memory.
  12. Having lived in Jefferson City and being involved in state government for a number of years, I admit to getting a little numb to the Capital and Capital grounds. But then I would think back to when it was built, the Benton art work and get back to being amazed. I knew personally several of the gardeners. They work really hard and make it a truly memorable place to visit.
  13. Could be.
  14. Eleven point would be my recommendation too. Brian Sloss can help with planning and execution. And a roof if it looks like a wet night.
  15. Terrierman

    Beef tongue

    It's pure muscle. Last I looked, steak was muscle. You guys remind me of a joke about the guy who asked what the special was at the lunch counter. Special was tongue sandwich. Guy says eww I could never eat anything that came out of a cow's mouth. Give me a couple of eggs.
  16. I liked McCain's joke about prison food: Prisoner one: "Man, the food in here is TERRIBLE." Prisoner two: "The food was a lot better here when I was governor."
  17. String trick almost always works. Just takes a little nerve to do it. But it's over in a flash. Works best with two people. One hooked who can push the back of the hook down and back towards exit and a buddy with a little mean streak to yank that string like he means for that hook to come free on the first try.
  18. Terrierman

    Beef tongue

    I'll eat pretty much anything at least once. To me, proper tongue sandwich is braised skinned and then ground into a mildly spiced very rich spread.
  19. Now that's a proper trip report. Glad it worked out so well for you all. Thanks for putting it up.
  20. Truman is getting some nice rain in the western parts of the watershed. Our reservoirs like it when that happens - especially this time of year.
  21. That's proper sampling technique. Bleach solution from a spray bottle is easier on everything than a torch. Ideally you do not sample from a mixing faucet or a hose bibb because they are difficult to disinfect. The point is to check the bacterial quality of the water, not whether some spider or something has crawled up the water spout. My faraway laboratory is the Christian County Health department. It's about five miles from the house. Test results are available in 24 hours by phone, maybe four or five days if you wait for mail.
  22. Yes I have a well and it's tested - last time maybe four years ago. It's always been fine. I've treated many wells over the years with chlorine pellets.
  23. 45 degrees into the wake under only moderate power. You'll be fine in anything short of a hurricane.
  24. Fences are only important if you want to run cattle or are worried about keeping cattle out. The latter won't be an issue there.
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