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Lvn2Fish last won the day on March 12 2021

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About Lvn2Fish

  • Birthday 03/18/1986

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  • Interests
    Bass fishing

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Orangethroat Darter

Orangethroat Darter (33/89)



  1. Robbie Dodson would be my choice . https://www.dodsonguideservice.com
  2. It’s crazy how many love to hang out under the boat/motor . I’m always wondering if it’s the prop they see flashing ? Or just the shade ? I’ve seen them leave a piece of cover and swim right to the boat .
  3. Nah you will be fine . The piles are marked down that bank . The brush is right under the fishing dock . Casting out and tight lining shouldn’t be a problem for you
  4. I’ve seen plenty of crappie come from that access . There is a fishing dock down there that’s loaded with brush . The channel bank to the north of the ramp is brushed pretty good . I’ve also seen people catching them from the access dock as well . It would be worth a try . I hear the crappie are really biting up there .
  5. Nice one . Looks like a Meanmouth?
  6. I think the person I painted these for called them Missouri craw?
  7. I’m def not calling anyone out . It’s not the context of whether you’re for or against . Love it or hate . It’s the actual conversation I can’t stand . A mere mention of FFS gets an instant reply of “here’s my thoughts on FFS”. It’s played out and I just choose to not engage in the conversation to the point of not posting just on the off chance the post turns into … well kinda what this one has .
  8. I’ve been fishing a couple of times a week for the past couple months. But the internet voices have made it very apparent that they have no use for reports that involve or utilize FFS . The last thing I want to do is start another argument on that crap. So I remain silent . I really enjoy reading Dutch and Quills reports and anyone else who posts. Sad the hot topic yesterday was a bifocal post haha.
  9. Once you take that last bend and start heading southwest is where I start to get uneasy about it. I’m sure you can run on up from there but it’s not going to be without risk .
  10. Nice fish!! is that your big for this year quill ?
  11. Weights were very low . I know this time of year is tough but man . Those are some low weights only 11lbs to make day 2 .
  12. I was surprised too . Not only was it shut down but labeled as “ hate speech “ . It’s pathetic . But the thread is open now so let’s just forget it happened 😂
  13. Hate speech …. That’s ridiculous . Labeling a conversation as hate speech is a far worse than anything anyone said. Why can’t we talk about conservation issues like above without censorship ? I kinda understand the political aspect to this . But hate speech? get real @Terrierman.
  14. Nothing pisses me off more ! https://www.facebook.com/share/p/zYsXbwYvgeV4WKWh/?mibextid=WC7FNe
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