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Pepe last won the day on October 14 2016

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About Pepe

  • Birthday 11/27/1956

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Lakeview, AR & St. Louis, MO
  • Interests
    Fishing, Old Trucks & New Baits

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Brown Trout

Brown Trout (39/89)



  1. Thanks for the report. Not much color at lower end
  2. I really appreciate you posting. Thank you and please continue.
  3. Nice Chunks. Thanks for the intel
  4. Jimmy Creek is stained in back and bait has moved up there. 55.2WT.
  5. I scanned a lot today while on a sunny relaxing ride with my wife. Bait balls halfway up the creek arms. The backs are stained and the bait balls are broken up into small groups but not many that far up. Mouth of creeks 52/53. Backs 55/57.
  6. I’m on the lower end of the lake. Where do you put in for mid lake?
  7. Nice! What Damiki bait are you using?
  8. Went out Sunday & today. Both days the afternoon bite has been best. Chasing shad balls that are 45 to 50’ deep in middle of creeks. We did well with all 3 species of bass represented, plus a large drum, a huge striper (20+minutes in a light spinning rig) and one small perch. WT 56
  9. Wondering if the shad have moved up shallow in backs of creeks
  10. That’s a lot of different applications so I suggest swimming a 3” shad or white color grub on a 1/4 ounce head.
  11. Pepe


    Do you folks use hair, buck-tail, marabou or preacher type jigs? I ask because making jigs & soft plastics is my winter hobby, but I don’t sell them. Dispersing some samples to other anglers who will actually use them and provide feedback is what I’m seeking. I did this type thing for skirted & Ned jigs for several years and was able to better zero in on what worked best.
  12. Pepe

    May 4

    WT seemed to drop a bit. Was 58 yesterday. Main lake point, windy but nor dirty water. I have been searching for shad. Sometimes get lucky and find a Wolfpack of SM. Other times one or 2. Found a lot of, what I assume, are bedded fish outside the bushes in the creeks. They would hit hard & spit out the Ned & Shakey worm.
  13. Pepe

    May 4

    Got into them today using the graph to find shad schools.
  14. Pepe


    I’m sorry to say we had a tough day today, but always hope for better. Seems they are scattered.
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