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Brook Silverside

Brook Silverside (11/89)



  1. We caught 43 with 12 keepers. two small mouth, and two walleye. Rest spots and largemouth. best five 12.5 lbs. Had alot of fun. Rockcrawler with the wind was a big part. But the spook worked until after lunch. Also caught several on neko green pumpkin worm, ned, pbj color and shakey head green pumpkin. Some on the bank but most 5-10 feet deep. Most on main lake or slightly inside points. Spinner bait and swimbait did not produce and the jig bite was iffy. Friend went back Sat and jig worked with no wind.
  2. Thanks this is good info. I May try the one from McMaster it is neoprene and has Velcro closure. thanks again
  3. My current rigging loom is not connected to the motor. It seems to me to allow some water into the boat . (2011 Ranger 522, Yamaha 250) I also want to run the ethernet cable from the motor to my graph. The current bundle looks as full as possible. I helped a friend fish one of these cables down his loom and it was very difficult. Suggestions on a split loom, or some type of cable cover. I have seen one with a zipper on Amazon, and one from McMaster-Carr that is a cable wire wrap. Suggestions? Thanks for any help
  4. I am certainly not sure.. but I would look at smaller reel... try a 2500 and maybe your line is too heavy.. or try braid..
  5. Several great points that I had not thought about. The cover and pressure changes alone have been tremendous. Just having a gps map that shows contours helps but at the same times increases pressure to key areas. Fishing is still great fun.
  6. It seems to me that 30 years ago when worm fishing a bass gave a distinct thunk when they bit. Today half or more of my catches are on bites that only feel heavy. I may be nuts but just wondered what others think? Maybe I had the heavy bites years ago, and didn't have the gear or experience to tell that's what was going on?? Thoughts?
  7. Like that jig head... reminds me of the megabass dark sleeper.... with the flat bottom Thanks for any info
  8. Just read your post. I replaced the relay. Got one at O Reilly's. Thanks for the advice.
  9. put a screw driver across the poles of the relay and it raised... must be bad relay. thanks for the help
  10. Hose did not help... will need to test further.... I bet its a relay. It has been inconsistent to work since I bought the boat used...Thanks for the help will keep posted.
  11. Temple for rods, the professional series are 100$ and I really like them. https://smile.amazon.com/pc-Fuji-Guides-Professional-Casting/dp/B01KYG364Q/ref=sr_1_14?crid=QR5QBMW4DDKS&keywords=temple+fork+rod&qid=1638152768&sprefix=templefork+%2Caps%2C248&sr=8-14 Or go to the templefork site.
  12. Took the hoses off one at a time. Thought it might be air locked. Top hose fitting was broken. I got oil to pump out of both hoses. Will get a new fitting or hose and see if that is all of the problem. Fishinwrench... thanks for the input. Need to check and see if it is two or three wire... again thanks. Grant
  13. I have a 2011 Ranger 522 with Bob's machine jackplate. It will lower but cannot get it to raise. I hear the solenoid click. But motor does not seem to run. It was very low on hydraulic fluid. So filled and still down but not up. Any help is welcome. I normally do not use it very often, but last time out hit the switch accidentally and went down further than I prefer. Thanks again for any help. What part needs replaced? Or where to start testing? If this is in the wrong forum.. I apologize in advance.
  14. Sorry I can’t make the tournament. My wife is having back surgery few days earlier. Met Bo by chance. Had left roaring River to make a phone call. Pulled in across the street from his house with my boat behind the truck. Had a great visit. He invited me inside. I had heard of his jigs before our chance meeting. The jigs are great. Truly enjoyed how he challenged conventional fishing thinking with logic, reasoning and most often proof. Even if a person disagreed with his ideas, he made a very compelling case. Appreciated his posts. We only visited a few times. I appreciate how effective he appeared to be with standard sonar and fishing equipment. A lot of catching is the result of paying attention and learning each time out. And reading the environment He seemed to me to be really good at not chasing rabbits and yet making changes and not fishing a location or pattern too long when they aren’t there or active. All of the above are skills and habits that I one day hope to have. I will pray for the family Grant
  15. Thanks...dad is 82 and in good shape... he could really enjoy the easier lift... my ultrex is a bear sometimes to lift.. I think the Garmin would be the best choice for him...
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