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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Gumboot

  1. I don't have the link from the govt, but apparently on May 19 blue green algae detected along face of dam and in the cove where The Harbor restaurant is.
  2. If he does the price is much different than 3 years ago. This market is just wack!
  3. John How many of the Tamiami canal fish are natives? My guess is 1.
  4. With all the cool weather, I think the spawn is jacked up. You can still catch males shallow and females 8-14'. Caught some males Friday that were really colored up. Don't know what water temp was as didn't even get boat out, just walked the bank. 1/16 oz pony head jigs and black/chartreuse skirts accounted for the crappie. And the nibbles...don't leave home without them.
  5. Don't know about the bass, but I caught 41 crappie Friday, 4 keepers. Lots of colored up males and quite a few short females with eggs. Last year was much better size wise for me.
  6. yeah, robots don't gain 12 lbs in a year. Seems to be fixed now.
  7. Something weird is going on with the forum. I just had to verify I'm not a robot 6 times and normally threads that I haven't read are in bold. Just had to verify I'm not a robot again.
  8. From the BBC boards...
  9. My local city golf course had crabgrass bad, one day we played and the crabgrass was all turning white and dying and rest of grass was ok. I asked one of the maintenance guys what they used. Generic Tenacity. I haven't tried it but it sure smoked those weeds. https://www.domyown.com/tenacity-herbicide-p-1877.html Not cheap. Ok for fescue, rye grass, bluegrass. Not recommended for bermuda or St Augustine.
  10. Welcome to the forum. My worm and bobber days were probably the most productive stretch as far as catching went. Then I caught a bass on a plastic worm...
  11. Don't know where you were Ham, but I'll give up my top drum location. Pomme de Terre Lake, Lindley arm. Drum capitol of the Ozarks!
  12. I've never fished Norfork, but I betcha if you look for the boats, you'll find the crappie. If they're on the banks they're usually not hard to find.
  13. Shocker!
  14. Excellent fishery. Spent many a day fishing and duck hunting the AR River backwaters from a john boat with a 9.9 when I was a youngster. Most of the year basically a chain of lakes with some current.
  15. 8' high, turning loose about 3000 cfs, dropping 6" per day. I'm going this weekend but will have a weedeater in hand more often than a fishin pole.
  16. Very nice...two stroke brotha.
  17. 250 HO 6 years without a hiccup on wife's tritoon. I drove 9 hours to buy an etec on my fishing boat, as around here they were all rigged with mercs. Great motors.
  18. Look for envelope at very top of page.
  19. Right here. Some of these guys have more invested in fishing related stuff sitting around than what their house is worth.
  20. https://quadcities.craigslist.org/bod/d/davenport-2015-lund-1775-impact-ss/7264458888.html Only one I could find on clist.
  21. https://www.vrbo.com/search/keywords:pomme-de-terre-lake-pittsburg-missouri-united-states-of-america/minBedrooms/2?adultsCount=2&childrenCount=2&petIncluded=false There are also several "resorts" on the lake. Lakeview, Nemo Bridge,.... Fish on the Pomme de Terre River side, many more and much bigger crappie.
  22. Nice stripes
  23. Maybe it's changed in past 4-5 years, and I've caught a bunch there, but I would never associate Hillsdale with a white bass slaughter. But then again I've rarely said no to my daughter. Got no problem shuttin down the boys. Girls be special.
  24. I've been hunting 30+ years with a friend who has a blind on a cypress/tupelo/buckbrush lake in NE AR. There have been one or two kingfishers working that hole the entire time. 6 guys empty their shotguns on decoying mallards, and when the smoke clears he's still sitting on a branch looking for a meal.
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