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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Johnsfolly

  1. Not me. Here is the sentence that creates the biggest problem: "Giovanni Polverino, and his team proved that robotic fish could be an effective tool in the global effort to combat invasive fish species." It could be effective, but likely won't be because the cost to scale up to control even a small ecosystem would prevent this from ever happening. I would like to see videos of those mosquitfish eating tadpoles. These are not big fish.
  2. Holy moly a thread about fishing on a fishing forum! How did that happen Jeff😅?!? Sounded like a great day to be out buddy!
  3. Those exposed gills indicates that it is a mud puppy, probably a Necturus species.
  4. Did they look like these mushrooms? if so these are dryad saddle or pheasant back mushrooms. I've eaten a couple and these are pretty tasty.
  5. If I had to guess I would think that he is 4 1/2. Doesn't have the Roman nose and potbelly I've seen on older deer.
  6. Looks like you had a great trip! Congrats buddy!
  7. Nice grassie Dave! Livie and I fished that spot last summer and only caught green sunfish and sculpin. Pretty fish!
  8. Dad jokes😁 What do you call a cow with no legs? Ground beef😅 What do you call a cow with two legs? Lean beef🤣
  9. Saw that same fish in two different articles. That's a giant rainbow. I don't recall if they know if it was diploid or triploid.
  10. I was involved with the birth of our three children. So I know this is true🤣 P.S. don't show my wife 😅
  11. Been Here Done That 😒 I reached out for help...
  12. Congrats to the two of them! Always nice to see the reward of their hard work.
  13. Provides a great wind break and minimal snow cover usually. Anytime that I am out in snow storm, I can feel the difference in temp and wind in pines.
  14. Nice Jeff! My last fishing trip on Sat was a bust. So I'm glad someone was catching 👍
  15. Some amazing stuff and some funny bits.
  16. I don't block you nor do I dig thru your posts looking for a fight. I do dislike the constant bashing of biologists and work hard to ignore those posts.. I could argue most but there is little that can be done to change opinions. But when a person that owns a business expects that a single 40% increase in costs for those permits over the last 15 to 20 yrs would be such a windfall that vast changes should have been made is hard to not respond. There had to be consideration that labor costs, equipment and supply costs have likely out paced that increase over that time. So the statement of continually increasing fees is making them flush with money is misleading at best. I'm not even arguing that the MDC isn't doing a worse job now than way back when. In terms of SOH, it's been a while since I was there but do seem to recall that the facility may be twice the size or more of the one at Bennett. They also seem to recall that they didn't lose fish, particularly brood fish to the flooding events over the last few years either. Not sure of the age of either facility and whether upgrades were or are needed for either. So I'm not sure that there is an apple to apple comparison to be made between them.
  17. It seems that Lady Amhurst was the first to bring these birds from Asia for her estate in England back in 1800s. Feathers are coming from the male bird. There was a guy in Columbia that raised these and the golden pheasants.
  18. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Baked cod, beans almonds and mashed potatoes.
  19. Sounds like a great time had by all if not most! Looking at the photos, I need to go again just to figure out who all these guys are 😅! Oh and the fishing and the food 😉!
  20. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Simmering for an hour already. House smells fantastic.
  21. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    https://www.saveur.com/food/eating-invasive-species/ Let's do our part by eating invasive in 2022😁
  22. Congrats Les on a mess of crappie. Your meal looked fantastic!
  23. So you raised your rates twice and they raised it once. Doesn't seem like they are continually raising their fees like you stated in your original post. You also ignored or overlooked whether the cost of parts are more now then when you started your business or whether you pass those increased costs onto your clients. Maybe missed because I was being a bit sarcastic. That point is that if supplies cost more, staffing resources cost more, that just maybe the permit increases may not have kept up with those increases. So they may actually have less actual buying power now than in those good old days. I really have no idea either but I'm not the one assuming that the extra $3 pet trout stamp or even the $2 increase in daily tags has them rolling in so much extra cash. You failed to consider whether there are the same number, more, or less people participating in catching trout which would also affect those revenues. I would assume that in your business there is very little variability that would affect the outcome of each job. You may have to learn a different motor configuration but once that is learned then that isn't an issue. You probably don't have to deal with outside influences which you have limited or no control over affecting your job performance. Things like disease, water quality, flooding, predation, effects of possible inbreeding,, etc. I really think that you oversimplify what is being done, the issues that the department may be dealing with, and then complain about how they are squandering your extra couple of bucks a year. I don't have the historical outlook that you and others have on numbers or size. But again that is not my point. I just don't like a somewhat superficial complaint about the continual increases with nothing being done when there isn't consideration of economic reality. I really like to trout fish but even fishing holdovers, the fishing in MO and most states east of the rockies really is just chasing stockers for rainbows and browns. There may have been a shift in the idea to stop vastly overstocking the creeks and streams as in the past. I don't know and won't try to speak to that point.
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