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Bigmouth Buffalo

Bigmouth Buffalo (5/89)



  1. What he said...
  2. You were definitely madder at them than I was.... I sat in the house doing honey do projects that I put off for a rainy/cold day... Maybe next weekend
  3. I can be a camera man for you... Teach me a few of your tricks....
  4. A couple bad apples ruin the fun for a lot of us. I am hoping it picks back up again. That way I can at least hear a fish story or two, and just be jealous that someone is catching them whenever I cannot....
  5. Does anyone fish anymore? I always read through the fishing reports while I'm 200 miles away just wishing I was part of the reporting. Not much activity for awhile around here..... Just wanted to make sure everyone one is alive and well.
  6. So the fish and ducks just jump in your boat? I think I need a different boat....
  7. How much do you want for the black box? I may have a taker for the package....
  8. I will be in Cape fair this weekend with this transducer..... I just opened the box and it does NOT have the mounting hardware it is just a transducer only. Anyone interested let me know, thanks.
  9. Let the bidding begin..
  10. I think so??? I haven't opened the box, I will verify whenever I get home tonight.
  11. Yes transducer only..... Still in the box
  12. No one interested ? Just make me an offer. It is brand new in the box straight from garmin, it hasn't even seen water yet
  13. I have upgraded my livescope transducer and have a brand new in box straight from garmin lvs 32 to get rid of, no idea what's a fair price. Garmin website has them for basically $1000⁰⁰ if anyone is interested make me an offer. I can ship if needed or if wanted to meet that would work as well. Cape fair by weekend and Kansas City during the week. Shoot me a meesage-call-text what ever works. 913-636-0505
  14. I have never had the confidence in the glide I have always wanted to go fish with someone who has a better knowledge of fishing these. Just takes time and patience I guess.
  15. The bluegill?
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