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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by m&m

  1. Nice healthy looking fish. Mike
  2. Wait, I thought the wind is your friend. First the theory of the Color-C-Lector fell apart, then the barometer theory fell apart and now the theory of wind. I’ll never catch another keeper until I reprogram my mindset. Maybe I’ll just stick to skinny water and enjoy casting. Mike
  3. Best of luck to everyone fishing the derby this weekend. I look forward to seeing your names on the hourly leader boards. Someone has to win each hour so it might as well be one of you. Mike
  4. Those k’s are like footballs! Mike
  5. Nice storm rolled through this morning. Mike
  6. Smaller turnout this year but those who could make it had a good time. It was good seeing everyone yesterday. Mike
  7. I’ll bring a case of water. Mike
  8. Welcome to spring and pre spawn fishing. Mike
  9. Nice looking fish. Mike
  10. I’ve received the approved permits for the 19th from both the MSHP water patrol and the COE. Mike
  11. Congratulations on the morning catch. Great pictures of healthy looking fish. Mike
  12. Weather certainly looks better on the 19th. Mike
  13. Randy, congratulations to your wife on the fish. That smile on her face says it all. Mike
  14. I’ll bring brownies. Mike
  15. A couple of keepers in an hour makes for a nice day. Congratulations Mike
  16. Bobby B, congratulations. Nice, healthy looking fish. Mike
  17. Sprint, congratulations. Mike
  18. Gary, good luck to him. Mike
  19. Jeff, by the way, I’ll be there. Mike
  20. My son and I fished Saturday and Sunday from 7:30am - noon. We put in at Mill Creek. WT was anywhere from 45-49. We fished main lake points, banks inside the coves, secondary points, in the wind and calm waters. Caught them on a RC and a 6th Sense crank baits. Every one we caught was in <10 FOW. Here’s a couple of pictures. We didn’t catch the numbers that Bobby b caught in the dam area but caught enough to make it fun.
  21. Jeff, I’ve got the regatta permits. Mike
  22. Jeff, great markings on those fish. Mike
  23. Our OAF one bass tournament is Saturday March 12. You can launch and fish anywhere on Table Rock Lake but the weigh in will be at Eagle Rock. If you’re here at that time, think about fishing it. After the tournament we hang around for a pot luck picnic and a chance to meet other OAF members. Mike
  24. Nice looking fish. “Endeavor to persevere!” Mike
  25. Steve, nice pictures of healthy looking fish. But you look frozen. Mike
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