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Basfis last won the day on October 24 2018

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Mosquitofish (30/89)



  1. How do fish spawn in Truman if light is necessary for a hatch? Missouri River?
  2. I hope you like I80. It’s painful to me. Can’t see out like you can on 70 or 90.
  3. There was a lot of CRP that expired and rolled back into AG with the biofuel push. CRP was great for birds. Switch grass near row crop was killer habitat. Fescue, competitors (turkeys) and predators are hard on quail. Decent CRP ground provided protection from all 3.
  4. Go to Rogers in Liberty MO or Mack’s Prairie Wings in Stuttgart AR. Nothing in between those places comes close to the selection they have.
  5. I own oculus, zeiss, leupold, vortex and some oddballs. Zeiss has the best clarity and light gathering. Barely better than the vortex razor. Leupold, unless something changes, I won’t own any more. Vortex dominates my safe and their diamondback Bino’s are better than my oculus at half the price. Vortex customer service is second to none. You won’t be disappointed though 12x50 in any brand will be chunky compared to 10x42.
  6. Red Flag = baseless claims Abusive spouse, no gun. Abusive boyfriend, not traceable. bring back 2 parent homes and most every incident in recent history doesn’t happen.
  7. Landing Gear
  8. Two options for cardinals games via the internet. 1) log into AARP’s website and watch from there as they have to be the primary sponsor this year. 2) this is actually legit 😀. Download uzzu.tv and you can watch virtually every in or out of market game for very little $. I think we paid like $60-$80 for a year and stream that way. Literally every game and you can choose home vs away feeds to.
  9. Nice! What makes the impact blow up the gear case? I want to think that would be common on Truman yet, I can’t recall seeing a grenaded lower unit. I’ve hit hundreds of trees up to and including killing the engine on Truman. Typically at an idle.
  10. From the flat?
  11. They are so bad, I refuse to buy cedar creek jerky because they sponsor Ray and Charlie. Good jerky, absolutely terrible show.
  12. Got out for a bit Sunday. The effects of recent warm weather was evident by the spider riggers. I have to assume it was crappie I kept seeing suspended in the back half of creeks. bass fishing was typical post front terrible. Had the honor of being scolded at the Gravois ramp as we were loading up. From what I could gather, I was crazy for “flying “ in at 50 mph and shutting down east of the lay downs in 10ft of water, idling the last few hundred yards. I believe it was because on a different line and further north on the flat he hung up on a stump. Having cut my teeth on Truman and countless trips down Gravois I found the scolding entertaining. I advised I sure was lucky and thanked the grump for his concern.
  13. To my knowledge, the ramp down the road from the blue green cabins is private. It’s flat and on the north side of the cove. Big Cedars ramp is on the south side and on the west end of BCs property on a point.
  14. Did you launch on the north side of big cedar cove or the south side? Big Cedar redid the south ramp a few years back. It’s angle is like most corp ramps. It’s pretty good. Parking sux but ramp and dock are good. the old ramp was indeed too flat.
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