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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by liphunter

  1. That brings up a question I always meant to throw out there. We know how sound travels through water. I never turn the radio on in the boat because of that sound/water thing. Is that a real concern or am I over thinking it? Just looking for some thoughts on that. Mike
  2. Man, that canโ€™t be good on cornbread ๐Ÿ˜
  3. That's really great Ed!!! Going to head up there myself tomorrow. If I get two keepers, I'll call it an ED day. lol๐Ÿ˜
  4. Fantastic guys!!! I'm not surprised
  5. Went out with Ed of lmt out-fitters today and had a great time. I needed some serious schooling on walleye fishing, so I got a hold of Ed and glad I did. We Put 20 in the boat 12 keepers and eight shorts. Lost two nice ones at the boat. Several were in the 18 to 20 inch range, and the two we lost were in that window as well. Did some jig and crawler, and some bottom bouncing. Both seemed to work. Took six home for a fish fry. The most important part for me was Ed filling me in on things I needed to know, like why, where, and when. I learned a ton... Not to over sell myself on this. Ed pretty much carried the day. But he did have the good side of the boat.๐Ÿ˜’ I definitely felt like I got a good deal... Mike
  6. Just goes to show. Being an energetic dumb kid was a lot more fun than being a dull old guy!!!
  7. Yea I guess I missed that in the post. How very diligent of you.
  8. Bill, Do you take any kind of predator protection along? Or is that not a concern where you will be?
  9. That's awesome Daryk. Looks like fun. Nice polish!!!
  10. Thanks. Dutch you got any elongated keys? That would be the one. lol
  11. Good for you. Great day!!!๐Ÿ‘
  12. I was reading up on that and the one consistent thing I found, was about the anal orifice. For those who want to stick your eye in there. Says the males are more round and the females is more key shaped. Someone check that out and report back. lol
  13. So your saying I would do better on FB? The family reunion thing ain't working out.
  14. I had some business at Greenfield this morning. So I took the boat up just to replace the trailer planks. The lake is definitely heading towards normal. It looked great this morning!!!
  15. Very nice Mike. Congrats!!!
  16. And for those of you who do not have a college education. Consider yourself lucky. Apparently your to stupid to know anything past your next bowel movement. lol That's got to be the funniest thing I have ever read on hear. Thanks jd.
  17. Just to be clear. Are talking about the bird or Wrench??? lol (Disclaimer: Just a joke Wrench. Nothing meant by it at all.๐Ÿ––)
  18. I agree Daryk. I always thought those were the perfect fishing boat.
  19. At least soup is still an option. Sounds like a memorable trip๐Ÿ‘
  20. I launched at Ruark today. Like Mr Giggles said. It's still around 12 feet high, but is heading down. The courtesy dock was perfect today. Looks like they had just moved it. I went totally walleye today. Big swing and a miss there. Nothing to report... Mike
  21. Glad you are the mend.That had to be a scary and traumatic event for you and you loved ones. God Bless. We walk and ride that trail all the time. What a freak show we've become... Gavin was being kind. Acts like that to me are a letter of resignation from the human race by these people, and should be dealt with accordingly!
  22. Sounds good Dutch. What's your delivery area? ๐Ÿ˜
  23. Rough day Ham. Glad you prevailed and are feeling better!
  24. I used to have a seat up front because it seemed more stable. But I found myself focusing on things so much, that when I made a move, I would run right into it. darn near bounced myself into the water several times. Tried fishing without it and loved it. When I am the only one in the boat, which is the usual setup, I don't even take it. If my Ensure totally gives out. I get the one in the back.
  25. Driving home from KC. Dogs got to pee!!! Best of BTL
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