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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by liphunter

  1. Cool. I had a 1977 model I got used when I got out of the service in 82. Kept for a few years then got a job that didn't allow for much of a personal life. So I let it go.
  2. I apologize if this has been done before, but I couldn't find what I was looking for in search. Which do you feel is more accurate for real speed, Your boats speedometer or GPS? I have always assumed GPS, but I really don't know. Mike
  3. When I was in my mid teens back in the early 70's . Bass Fishing was really getting popular nation wide. I was really drawn to fishing . A couple of my older brothers had really nice bass boats of the day. One was an Arrowglass and the other was an Ebtide... I did say "of the day" Anyway I would get an invite on occasion. Feeling all cocky ( I had seen someone catch one on tv, so I knew all about it). one morning as we were leaving for the ramp. I asked my brother what kind of bass we were looking for. He said he was fishing for lips. He couldn't do anything about what they were attached to. Took some of the cocky air right of me. As you can see, it kind of stuck with me. As far as the pic. Just something I found on the net. Showing my Elmer Fudd side. Mike
  4. I was wondering about you guys up there. Didn't think you had much close in the way of big reservoirs. Hang in there!
  5. When I was a kid, I read an article that had that same recipe for carp. I think I still have that stone tablet somewhere.
  6. Yes Dutch, that is the spot I had in mind. Thanks, Mike
  7. Would that be the same as Carney Hollow?
  8. Got out today. Trying to target walleye again. Fished main lake points with the ole jig and night crawler. Stayed between 15 and 30 feet. No walleye for me today. But I caught at least 8 catfish. I didn't really count. All were good eating size. I didn't keep any. Taste to much like trout for me. lol 😁 The first one I caught was the largest. For a few seconds, I really thought I had a nice walleye. They fought hard and were a lot of fun. Sometimes it's just fun to fish for lips! Did lose maybe a 21/2 to 3 pound small mouth at the boat. Would have like to have had a picture of it. Thought would show one of the cats. Since that's all I got to show. Mike
  9. Yes, I agree. Anytime the your government can find away to gouge just a little more out of your high tax paying, average working stiff. Yea I am all for that!!!
  10. That's fantastic. I dream of days like that. Congratulations on a memorable trip!!!
  11. I went Tuesday morning. Went to the dam area. Targeting Walleye. Not that you can take anything from this. But I never got a walleye bite. I did catch some decent to small, smallmouth. Two were keepers. Of course the wind forecast was off as usual. Fun day. It had been a while.
  12. Enjoyed the video Seth. Great job and congrats...
  13. I'm not really a fan of anyone per say. I just enjoy the live feed. But I do find myself rooting for him and Mike McClelland. That being said. I seem to be posting a lot this morning. My apologies. I'll go check my meds! πŸ™ŠπŸ™‰πŸ™ˆ
  14. I have noticed that the more I learn and try, the more rods I have on the deck. I find it useful! Sometimes I look like a guy that has fished with a guy, who knew what he was doing!!!
  15. 35 years ago. Many times I climbed the trail that took you up and over the south side of the dam. Can you still do that?
  16. Why do you say such hurtful things!!!
  17. You got a wife, beer, and a boat. I would think to buy her a set of oars and your good to go!!!🐟
  18. Going to Cedar Ridge in the morning. First chance I've had in a couple of weeks. Not had a crack at the high water yet. Just will see how it goes. Just happy to go!!!
  19. Ditto That Seth...
  20. Now their's is a blast from the past!!!πŸ“
  21. Best wishes Randy. I enjoyed meeting you at the last OAF Big Bass tourney. Thought you were a top notch fellow. Hope you'll make that trip in the future! Mike...
  22. I think it’s a mocarp childhood picture. He is the intelligent looking one. lol πŸ˜‚
  23. snagged, are you happy with simms products?
  24. Thanks everyone for some seriously good input!!!
  25. Nothing more embarrassing than driving home with a Cleveland Steamer stuck to your prop. 😫
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