I like to fix deer several ways, fried nuggets in a pan (don’t over-cook), stew (cook a loooong time), jerky…..
But @Chief showed me my new favorite a few years ago on a float trip. Take a 2-3 lb rump or blackstrap cut, coat with olive oil, salt and pepper (add some rub or other spices if desired), do a quick sear, move to the side and smoke at a low temp (250-275) until deepest internal temp is 130, and take it off the grill. Slice it thin across the grain and enjoy however you please. We enjoyed it on hoagies with fresh veggies and a little salad dressing on the river that day. I was instantly impressed. I have served it cooked this way to folks who ‘don’t like deer meat’ and they thought it was roast beef. They had no idea.
If you properly handle the deer at harvest and get the meat cooled quickly as possible, it makes little difference (IMO) if it’s a young of the year, a middle age doe, or a gnarly old buck - they all taste the same, more or less, if properly handled. I will admit the younger deer will be a little more tender than a mature buck or doe.