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wily last won the day on July 26 2021

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Whitetail Shiner

Whitetail Shiner (53/89)



  1. you were definitely well hidden...good job and congratulations If I remember right Wildfowl magazine used to publish info about the bands...and had a map. Was the best thing about the magazine
  2. We’ve done good past two days...but back to work for me starting tomorrow lot of groups drawing...good luck and have fun. Lots of birds around...swans above the tree line. Bad pic but I couldn’t find my phone. full moon coming tho...so probably get tougher and the birds get smarter. It’s worth the drive tho
  3. We did good at Stockton a couple times during the deep freeze...pretty fun and a lot of birds around...but nerve racking being on the lake in those temperatures was good this weekend...pretty birds for sure
  4. wily

    Deer heads

    If anyone has a Deer they would like euro mounted. I will do it for you for a reasonable fee...Just let me know
  5. I wanted to go north...I like it better up there. I would’ve swore we would’ve done better than we did...but like you said they just didn’t fly. We were in 2b. We ended up with 4...it was slow but we still had fun. The snow geese put on quite a show for us early. I don’t think we’ll go this weekend...oldest has finals next week. We’ll probably try again next weekend
  6. All three of us Went back to 4rivers yesterday...had really high hopes. We did good last week and the posted bird count had doubled since last week. not as many people drawing...probably two dozen groups. We got a good number and tried close to the clubhouse. Last week as we left we looked at the pond and there were thousands of birds on it. So the boys wanted to be close to it. we had 1000 snow geese circling and landing in our pool within 200 yards of us early...and we were filled with anticipation. Only one pair of ducks came in but we shot good and got both. The geese pulled up stakes about 730...and we never saw them again. The rest of the day...the ducks were few and far between and we packed up about 130 and came home. Oldest had a chemistry test today so I wanted to get him back...seemed more important than what we were doing. as we left we drove by the pond. Hardly a duck in sight...only a small group of pelicans. We had skim ice early and I would say the birds left mid week when the temperature dropped.
  7. Went to 4rivers yesterday...was fun. Lot of people for very few spots...but we made it thru. Lot of big birds around and very few teal. Both the boys went so it was a great time for me. Called it quits at 2 due to basketball practice but...all in all a great day. Rained hard on us on the way home so hopefully they’ll be able to pump some more...and open up a few more spots. I haven’t seen the official but I bet is was 40 for 15 spots or so.
  8. wily

    Deer pics 2022

  9. wily

    Deer pics 2022

    I deleted the pic
  10. wily

    Deer pics 2022

    Youngest got one this morning...we’re officially done. Fun times
  11. wily

    Deer pics 2022

    Thanks...I thought it was a tall 8 when I shot...would’ve been too. If two points weren’t broken on his right side from fighting...can’t really tell in the brush sometimes.
  12. wily

    Deer pics 2022

    I got one Saturday afternoon in the brush
  13. Hey Marty...how’s it going? If we go...you guys could go with us...if you want? We’ve got good water at the farm but i don’t think there’s any birds around besides Alabama short necks We might try the poor line. I read that unit 2 is normal. So maybe take a chance and fall back to the farm. The youngest drew thanksgiving weekend so I’m excited for it. Hopefully it’ll flood between now and then. Jake was in Kansas with his buddies last weekend and did fairly well Bwt and widgeon.
  14. Anybody going this weekend? Bird count looks bad...and the thought of no water has me looking for excuses but we might try the farm. I’ll probably just save my money tho, so we can hopefully go later. Had a meeting at work today and was told $6 a gallon diesel is coming...gas will be above $4 soon.
  15. Its been a couple years but I used to like going down there in the winter...fun way to spend a couple hours on a weekend afternoon with my young sons. Never caught much off any of them...but our favorite is probably blue bluff. Big nice dock that is in good shape in fairly deep water...with a big hole...and comfortable chairs. the people are friendly and it’s on a good road. take your catfish rod and throw it off the back. Lee’s resort is just down the road from blue bluff and it has a small dock in disrepair. Ponderosa is shallow...ice box is off a bad road. And Indian hills is always crowded and smoky but has a pro shop.
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