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Everything posted by DADAKOTA


    What's Cooking?

    Most salmon isn't scaled. By cooking the flesh side first you can finish with the scales on the bottom and add any glaze/seasoning without fear of picking up some scales. Ready to plate unless you choose to remove the skin first.
  2. I suppose this is closer to hunting/shooting than fishing. From a TV point of view I wish they'd show a FFS tourney at the same time as a non-FFS tourney on the same lake and see which had better ratings.
  3. Happy Birthday Phil!!!! I'm exactly 2 years behind you today.
  4. The variety of river fishing. Looks like a fun trip
  5. Lots of noises for fish to contend with. Graphs, TM, hydrowave, voices, music, outboards, and on and on. I think the FFS guys use the "fish are getting scared of it" line to minimize the tremendous fish catching impact FFS has. I've heard guys say I'd still catch them without FFS. They might, but there are a lot of fish they'd never known were there and never casted to that they caught with FFS.
  6. The smoke plenty at low temp. I also add a smoke tube for a little extra.
  7. Just turn on the Hydrowave to counteract the FFS
  8. To understand the financial, mental and physical demands of a full time tourney angler, one would need to step into their shoes for a season. The body takes a beating on those long boat rides and standing on the TM for hours on end. Then you figure all the drive time, maintenance and upkeep on all the equipment, boats, vehicle, etc. Then all the time spent getting and keeping sponsors happy. Then you still need to keep the family happy.
  9. And back we go to the right and left. Politicians need to start working for the people of this Country and not trying to make their fortune through an elected position. Term limits are long past being needed. Work toward a solution and quit painting everything red or blue. Continually pointing fingers at the left and right accomplishes nothing.
  10. Can someone please explain the plan to generate enough electricity to power this Country if all the fossil fuel generating plants are shut down? Nuke? Wind, solar, and hydro can't produce enough. Read that some want to eliminate the hydros as well. Wind and solar are not economical on a big scale hence all the supplements/credits Uncle Sugar hands out. Where are the EVs going to get their juice when we can't produce enough power for all other needs? Get China and India and others to control their CO2 emissions. Good luck with that.
  11. that is a good one. Too bad it did not survive. Should make some great smoked trout though.
  12. Always love to read your trip summaries Al.
  13. Helped out many years with the St. Louis Sports Guild event out at a private lake in Wright City. We'd clean/cook the fish for lunch with the kids. Wonderful event. Good luck with yours. So rewarding.
  14. Saw Jackson Browne in the late 70s. One of my favorite concerts. Been listening to Home Free (Country Acapella) and Foxes and Fossils (the best cover band I've ever heard) via Youtube.
  15. The ol Rebel craw. A Sac river slayer for decades from Hwy 32 to Caplinger.
  16. Looks like an outstanding trip.
  17. Not sure they worry to much about breaking a rod or smashing a reel. I can't stand having too many sticks on the front deck.
  18. I'm with Ryan on that. Gills are so fun to catch and make awesome table fare. Congrats on a great trip Marty.
  19. Mu Ultrex has been flawless knock on wood. Been a solid motor so far.
  20. Hoping David Dudley somehow wins this one. I like the fact that he uses his livescope as a place to stand while fishing bream beds. Definitely Wheelers to lose.
  21. Seriously doubt you'd want to fish it with them generating. At low water you'll be best off in a jet boat. Have floated from Caplinger down to Blackjack and caught some fish. Always did better from Caplinger back towards the darn at Stockton. Ramp in the mill pond has been inaccessible for years. Some really good fishing in the mill pond and the river above it if you can get a boat in. Nice float from 32 to J highway. J to Caplinger is a long days float. Not sure where you'd take out at Caplinger since the old campground with the ramp closed off public access..
  22. I believe you are talking about Stone Creek Lodge and Tandem Fly Outfitters. Totally different than lmtout-fitters..
  23. The competition and challenge is a driver for tourneys. The vast majority of tourney anglers lose money at it, but somehow driving that glitter sled really inflates their egos. If I didn't make money at it I sure wouldn't be paying to play.
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