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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Put the truck in 4X4 and drove to the grocery store today. Up the street there's a dude that is obsessed with snow removal, not only is his driveway completely dry with not one snowflake on it, but the street out in front of his house in both directions for about 100 feet is completely bare, not one snowflake on it either. The dude uses a shovel, no snow blower. Apparently this dude got to one of the guys on one of the side streets, because the other guy was out in the street clearing the snow off the street with his snow shovel. BTW we have plows come down the streets and there is no reason for anyone to go out and shovel snow off the street. Only explanation I can come up with is a cross between cabin fever and OCD. These are not retired guys either before anyone jumps to conclusions.
  2. Nice thing about being retired is you don't need an excuse for a nap.
  3. I have to walk the dog about 5 times a day, down the sidewalk, then to the end of the driveway. If I don't get the snow off it turns into a packed down sheet of ice. Gives me an excuse to get out of the house for a while too.
  4. They told me not to run on it. Walking is fine, but no running.
  5. If Johnny Appleseed was still around, he'd get tossed in jail.
  6. The melting is good. I don't want to take up ice fishing. Too much specialized gear to buy. Little poles, ice augur, little sled to put all your ice fishing gear in, snowmobile to pull it all - it ends up being as expensive as bass fishing.
  7. Thanks for the pic. I talked to someone that lives in Eagle Rock, he can see the cove where Roaring Rive comes in and that cove looks to be frozen over too.
  8. Gotta hang in there a few more days. Forecast is for a high of 50 next Monday.
  9. Glad to hear your surgery went well, certainly sounds like the way to go the way they did it for you. In my case they cut the bone, put new knee ends (for lack of a better term) and stitched it back up. Even so the pain was not bad, and was never as bad as what I was experiencing before surgery. Sure does help to have insurance, my bill was $30K, surgery ain't cheap.
  10. -11 here in Bella Vista this AM, coldest I have seen in the 13 years I have lived here. Thankfully no wind.
  11. Not going to be a lot of variety for me this year, tomatoes, maybe couple of green pepper plants and beans.
  12. Probably depends on the wine - If you got a case of MD 20/20, won't make a difference. A case of Chateau Le Expensive, might be a little messed up.
  13. About the same here, 6 inches and still snowing. Went out and cleared off the sidewalk and driveway, put some salt down. I have to walk the dog several times a day, so cleared a path for that.
  14. So far only 2 inches here, but man is it cold. Went for a short walk, going out, the wind was at my back, it wasn't too bad. Coming back, into that north wind, it was stinking cold! Looking at the ARDOT cameras on I-49, the road looks to be fairly dry, very little traffic. There was an accident north of Bentonville this afternoon, closed down 49 - dunno if they have cleared that one yet. How about that new guy (his last name in New) winning the Bass event on St. Johns?
  15. It is cold - I spent part of my life living in Massachusetts and even there you don't get too many days below zero in the winter. It's also unusual to get snow like this when it is so cold, usually it's a high pressure system, blue skies and sunny but colder than heck.
  16. Yeah I hate the treadmill, I will go to the local workout center and get on that treadmill to warm up, I try to get one that is front of a TV. Even so, time drags on and I'll set goals for myself like stay on the treadmill until the commercials are over - that'll get you another 5 minutes. Going for a walk sounds good, it is snowing right now, haven't seen a vehicle or pedestrian yet out on the street.
  17. Next Saturday is the FLW Phoenix division tourney, one day affair out of KC. Buddy of mine saw a rig in the Eagle Rock lot yesterday so somebody was out there. Makes me wonder if there are any boats on the lake today. Ought to be a good day to be throwing a Wart, snow, 15 MPH north wind, 10 degrees, those big bass will be all over that Wart! 😄
  18. I believe this is my worst point score ever too. I had two guys make it to day 3, but they went backwards, one finished at 34 and the other at 40th or something like that.
  19. Some good looking gals out there plinking lizards. Iguana Hunting in Florida with Air Rifles! - YouTube
  20. This thread is better than reading the Sunday funnies in the paper - seriously it is.
  21. Durn things get pretty good sized, looks like big ones might go 4 feet with tail.
  22. Chicken of the Tree.
  23. I'm thinking Miami. I was watching Hook and Look a couple of days ago, they were fishing the Miami canals and catching peacock bass - looked like fun. And for you species guys, those canals have some tropical fish. Couple of kinds of tilapia, cichlids, and some other stuff. You could pop a couple of iguanas there too. If you're really bored, do a search on pellet gun hunting iguanas, looks to be a thing down in FL.
  24. Where ever he is, he picked the right time to go, if anything just to get away from this weather. If I didn't have some old folks to look after here, I think I'd hop in my truck and start driving south.
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