Garden has been so-so for me this year.
Got some good broccoli early, then the heat came early this year causing it to go to seed earlier than it should have.
Had one cherry tomato plant that did really well, two other plants were bush plants that were supposed to grow well in containers, put out a few really big tomatoes, but after that the fruit started splitting and the vines wilted. Blaming that on heat also.
Grew some cukes in containers, they have done fair usually get a couple per day, but not the numbers I usually get.
Green beans are doing well right now, planted them late, around mid-June and they have started putting out beans the last week or so, this cool, rainy weather has helped.
Just planted some sugar snap peas and more beans last week, dunno if the beans will have time to produce before the frost hits, but I think the peas will do OK.