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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Used to eat Columbia river smelt, take the head off, gut them, fry them. Bones would soften after cooking so you could chomp them down. Pretty tasty. You could get them in restaurants in the spring also, local specialty kind of thing. About 20 years ago the population crashed, run dwindled to the point smelt fishing was pretty much shutdown.
  2. Suh-weet!
  3. Sounds like a great trip, except for the rain. I have always wanted to go up there and fish for those big smallmouth. Seems it would make sense to hire a guide for a couple of days rather than haul the boat up there.
  4. Yeah I hear you, last time out me and a buddy put 7 smallmouth in the boat, 2 of them were keepers. Have to work hard for those bites! Lot more quiet out there now with school back in session.
  5. Well I hope it wasn't eighteen and 71. Back in the hot air balloon era...
  6. Thanks, didn't see this while I was making my post.
  7. I just looked at my lineup - I had selected Seth Feider in the B pool, and now it looks like I have Iaconelli selected - I didn't pick Ike and I confirmed my lineup Tuesday. Looks like they've either been hacked or there's a bug. I used the "Contact us" button and sent them an email.
  8. Only time I lost my wallet was when I was in the service. Fell out of my pocket during PT when I was in Basic. Never realized I lost it, but one of the other guys from another platoon picked it up and found me in the barracks and returned it. I had one dollar in it and it was still there. One thing that will throw me into a near panic is when I misplace my wallet somewhere in the house and can't find it.
  9. Felgirl is still a member and I don't see where anything "she" said was spam, but maybe you deleted some stuff?
  10. I didn't want to say anything because it is so pathetic, and I feel a little bad about pointing it out.
  11. BTW, we did have MoCarp create a another OA account name for himself, I believe it was Felgirl or something like that. Looks like we may have another MoCarp alias on here, and I bet you can figure out who it is.
  12. No, it's probably been going on since water was invented. But as others have asked, if you have the answers please tell us.
  13. I can't imagine trying to hit a golf ball after having a few.
  14. Welcome! Always hate to hear of access being shut off.
  15. I was thinking the same thing myself, carbon monoxide poisoning, or lack of oxygen, when it happens to humans you just pass out and, in the case of carbon monoxide, die. I'm thinking there was a sudden change in oxygen levels, fish couldn't react to it, and they died. Or maybe not, but that's what I'm going with.
  16. I like the top 10, I say that for selfish reasons seeing I am sitting 10th in the rankings right now.
  17. Please, he's bad enough in "normal" mode. No need to "fire him up". 😁
  18. Thanks for the update!
  19. Looks like a great time! I have eaten shark, used to be able to buy shark steaks in New England. Can't remember what type of shark they sold, might have been blue shark. It was tasty. Never have cleaned one.
  20. Garden has been so-so for me this year. Got some good broccoli early, then the heat came early this year causing it to go to seed earlier than it should have. Had one cherry tomato plant that did really well, two other plants were bush plants that were supposed to grow well in containers, put out a few really big tomatoes, but after that the fruit started splitting and the vines wilted. Blaming that on heat also. Grew some cukes in containers, they have done fair usually get a couple per day, but not the numbers I usually get. Green beans are doing well right now, planted them late, around mid-June and they have started putting out beans the last week or so, this cool, rainy weather has helped. Just planted some sugar snap peas and more beans last week, dunno if the beans will have time to produce before the frost hits, but I think the peas will do OK.
  21. I thought you posted that pic because that fish bore a resemblance to JF. 😜
  22. Good on you for making the effort. You never know, guy might have left, drove home, backed the boat into the garage and never realize they left the rods back at the ramp. I could see myself doing that.
  23. I throw them out in the street and let the birds have them. Remind me of a Catalpa worm except bigger and green. Might be a good catfish bait.
  24. When I lived there I can remember a petition drive that I was part of to get those Snake river dams removed, I think that was around 1990. They're still there and people are still trying to get them removed. I would love to see them go, but beginning to doubt it will happen in my lifetime. Used to see estimates that about $1 billion per year is spent on Columbia/Snake river basin salmon restoration. It's not really restoration, it's more about keeping a remnant population alive.
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