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Everything posted by Seth

  1. Seth

    US Open

    So crap makes a fishery better? I figured that would do more harm than good.
  2. Seth

    US Open

    So what makes LoZ more fertile? What exactly does that even mean? The point @fishinwrench made about the big boats keeping a lot of the fishing pressure reduced for half the year sounds the most plausible to me. Truman gives up some nice fish but it still doesn't seem to compare to LoZ overall which also makes me think that wrenches reasonings hold the most water.
  3. Seth

    US Open

    LoZ gets hit harder than TRL and it still produces way more big bass than TRL. What's the difference besides LoZ has way more docks? Do all those docks really protect that many big bass?
  4. Seth

    Not Thinking

    It wouldn't hurt my feelings if the high fuel prices made people start selling all those boats they bought over the past few years. I'm always up for a bargain.....
  5. Seth

    Not Thinking

    Let them haul it to a processor and pay to have it taken care of. It's not your problem. I think processors charge $100-150 per deer depending on location.
  6. Here we go.....
  7. Took a long time friend and his son out and his boy got his first deer. I was supposed to take a nephew but they had bad grades so parents wouldn’t let them hunt. Keep getting error while trying to upload pic off of phone. Will have to try later on PC.
  8. Definitely a river redhorse then. Good eating!
  9. Net is covering the tail so I can't really see if it has the red fins. River redhorse have the red fins, but a golden redhorse looks very similar without the red fins. I'd guess it's a river though simply due to it's size. It would be a state record if it were a golden. I gigged a 12 pound river red horse on the Bourbeuse a few years ago. It surprised me when I got it in the boat because I just assumed it was a grass carp when I stuck it. My 12# river redhorse from the Bourbeuse Golden Redhorse River Redhorse
  10. Elk hunting doesn't sound like a bad excuse to me!
  11. I'm out for the second weekend. I'll be in NOMO helping guide mobility impaired hunters for slick heads during the antlerless portion of rifle season that weekend. One of these days I'll make another one.
  12. Seth

    A few from my pond

    That's not longer true. @JestersHK will run to Arkansas after every Taney trip to stock up on it.
  13. Seth

    A few from my pond

    Easy fix to that. Scale and fillet down to the tail, but don't cut through the skin at the tail. Do the other side the same way and then snip the spin off near the tail. You'll have two fillets still attached along with the tail. Call them perch wings.
  14. I saw on Anglers in Action Facebook page that the angler said he caught it on a white pencil popper that morning. FB is down right now so I can't pull it up to verify that.
  15. I've ate a lot of grain fed NOMO deer and plenty that have lived on acorns and I can't see where there is much difference in taste. Of the hundreds of deer that we've messed with over the years, I can think of three that tasted funky. Two were 4.5-5.5 year old bucks and one was a stunted doe (long nose but small body and had a fawn). Not sure what was up with them, but they had a "wang" to them. Dad and I usually harvest 10-15 deer between us each year so we've dealt with A LOT of deer over the years. We always process them ourselves. I've seen how several other people handle deer after they are killed and I'm not sure I'd ever take a deer from them if they offered. I think I'd be eating more hair than meat! I could eat the following venison treats/dishes every day of my life and die happy 1) jalapeno pepperjack sweet bologna from 5H Meats in Hermann 2) our homemade jalapeno cheddar deer brats 3) a hind quarter roast crock potted on low for 8-10 hours in Louie's Italian Beef seasoning, shredded and put on a bun with banana peppers and provolone cheese 4) a backstrap seasoned liberally with Greek seasoning and grilled rare-medium rare 5) thinly sliced backstrap stir fry with peppers, onions, mushrooms and broccoli 6) venison jalapeno poppers (sliced backstrap, chive and onion cream cheese, jalapeno slice, bacon,) 7) spicy chili with ground venison, shredded cheddar, hot sauce and sour cream 8) carne asada tacos
  16. Very nice! Those smallies are a blast to catch.
  17. Awesome! When in doubt, go shallow! I noticed the boat in front of you weighed in one for 6.45 (6.95 - .50 penalty). That's a slob for TRL! I'm guessing the penalty was for a dead fish though.
  18. If you're only fishing a few bodies of water, you can save some $$$ buying by the lake on Humminbirds Chart Select site. I've only ever really needed one for LoZ and Tablerock so I bought those two and spent about half the cost of the Great Plains chip. If you will need it for more than three lakes though you're better off getting the chip and get all of the.
  19. Now that you mention it, I can't recall seeing very many frogs or snakes on the Gasconade this year at all and I've been on it quite a bit.
  20. I hate going there. Everytime I go, I end up hating my life because I ate WAY too much. 🤣 For real though! It’s well worth the trip. Bring your appetite! They don’t have a ton of entree options but everything they have is delicious. The desert bar is longer than the entree bar!
  21. 6-7' medium light is my go to for crappie fishing
  22. Appreciate it man! I wish I was better and talking to the camera or showing the fish off but I get caught up in the fishing and forget a lot lol. Hopefully the commentary isn’t too cheesy and fills in the gaps.
  23. We fly fished today between the Narrows and Point Royale from 10am - 4pm and did decent on white mega worms. Even lucked in to my new fly rod PB with this 20.5” rainbow.
  24. Definitely on the spinning gear for me. The hooks are pretty thin and bend easily. I bet a medium action casting setup would probably work well too if one tried it. I just suck at casting anything lighter than 3/8oz on casting gear.
  25. Had a decent first night. Both of us cracked 20” on bows. Followed up my 20.5” with my second best, a solid 19”. Caught most on black jigs again but several did eat the jerkbait.
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