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4 minutes ago, Ketchup said:

The WORST thing they could do is to report that the fishery is sub-par. That would be a drop in revenue for the area. 

the pleasure boaters/wake boats/ non serious fishermen could care less.  They are tired of having to maneuver around Babler out in the middle of the lake.  Champ is usually safe stirring up mud.


Haha Jerry.  Well worded

TinBoats BassClub.  An aluminum only bass club. If interested in info send me a PM. 

6 hours ago, Jerry Rapp said:

the pleasure boaters/wake boats/ non serious fishermen could care less.  They are tired of having to maneuver around Babler out in the middle of the lake.  Champ is usually safe stirring up mud.

you apparently do not watch or pay attention to those people.  if it is wet it is good.  most of the time babler is safe and champ is the one dealing with the grief.



Jerry would've been on the money 5 years ago, but Bo is right now. There is no place safe from the idiots. Gets significantly worse every year. Since they seem to have immunity from underwater objects or just about anything else in their path, they go where they want and whatever speed they want and to heck with whoever might be in their way.


On 2/18/2017 at 9:33 PM, merc1997 said:


the mdc does some things right, but are also lacking in effort in other areas.  great example is winter gigging of bass in the meramac river.  a friend of mine that fishes that river a lot started noticing bass he was catching with gig marks and a noticeable decline in populations in holes.  he reported the problem to the mdc on more than one occasion but there never was any time and effort to set up and watch for the giggers.  what that means to me is that the mdc does not see any value of that fishing resource.

Yes Bo, our buddy knows what he is taking about regarding this issue, but as we've been told by the "experts" is that this is purely anecdotal and lacks science. As far as the science, we all know it is good if they have enough sample data, which we all know they don't.

"Honor is a man's gift to himself" Rob Roy McGregor


Well, as a former "analyst" I'll tell you what everybody already knows and that's that ANY data regardless of accuracy or significance can easily be spun to mean a wide ranging variety of things.

In fact, in all my years doing this kind of stuff (not fishery related stuff but "analyzing" data for the government) I don't remember EVER not being told prior to studying and reporting what the intended or desired outcome was to be.  You wanna get in trouble in a hurry?  Conduct some sort of "independent" analysis without a predetermined outcome.

Now, I'm not saying that these guys are doing that just that it's more common than not. But perhaps more importantly it's all very easy to do and can be done in such a way that no one can ever really question the outcomes based on the presented data.  And as in this case, the "presented data" is almost always the only data available.  You're pretty much just constantly trying to punch holes in a ghost.

That's why so many studies defy even the most rudimentary level of common sense and although most everyone knows that they're way wrong and screams bloody murder but the presenting "authority" can just stand behind the "facts" and shrug their shoulders.  Kinda like public surveys and political exit polls - can anyone say "Trump"?

And, it all pays the same!

"Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups."  George Carlin

"The only money ever wasted is money never spent."  Me.


This is a timely discussion. We are finishing up our Bull Shoals and Norfork Lake Annual Reports. We don't hold anything back. If there is an issue, we document it.

For this post, that link isn't the actual TR annual report. I'm guessing it is some sort of general "annual" fishing report. I could be very wrong on that. I do know their actual annual reports are usually very detailed.

I found the 2014 annual report on here to give an idea of what the annual reports look like


Jeremy Risley

District Fisheries Supervisor
AGFC Mountain Home Office - 1-877-425-7577
Email: Jeremy.Risley@agfc.ar.gov

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Wet my first line in table rock in mid 1960's and can agree that fishing has been downhill since.  Maybe aging lake or other factors or deteriorating fishing ability.  But every year I look at my historical record and set goals for the next year.  At the end of the year I compare my performance against my goals and last years performance.  This comparison looks at improvemen perrformance ( comparisn of  year to year) and year against my goals.

My point is year to year data only gives operational information when compared to a goal.  Year to  year indicates if you are moving in the desired direction.  Maybe the question should be about the goals of fish population. I am sure that MDC can provide info about goals of trout pounds.

On 2/20/2017 at 1:17 AM, merc1997 said:

you apparently do not watch or pay attention to those people.  if it is wet it is good.  most of the time babler is safe and champ is the one dealing with the grief.


Hahahahahaha, is that ever a true story! 

On 2/18/2017 at 11:21 AM, 176champion said:

Looks like the same report they reported last year only they changed the dates on the report for this one.

Sounds like their paddlefish report that they send out. It's literally the same document every year with a few date changes.

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