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Sounds like the answer to every computer issue: REBOOT 



Thanks...unplugged it...and it’s locked now...at the run out end

i caught a couple other semi-photo worthy fish...two were 14.5 and a squeakker 15...that flopped off the board while I was trying to turn the phone on...it wouldn’t recognize my wet thumb I guess





Casting a small jig to a 12 to 13 inch smallie and hooked this guy. Did not catch a bass today 😒. Smallies in MD are snobs. Rejected all those good MO baits. Going for LMB tomorrow. Not likely to get a 20 inch fish just want to post an actual bass photo.



That looks like a cross to me...goggle eye and a pumpkin seed

but I’ve had a couple blues...


This was today.  Had a great time minus the heat.  The heat was fine, the perspiration was not.  Thanks for giving me motivation to get out.  It is I believe official, I have caught my first smallie.   Dinks, but I finally got into them.  The snake,  it tried to take my lure more than once, and one of the fish I caught.  The last one was obviously not a keeper, but I wanted to post a pic.  







Money is just ink and paper, worthless until it switches hands, and worthless again until the next transaction. (me)

I am the master of my unspoken words, and the slave to those that should have remained unsaid. (unknown)


Cool looking creek...without giving away your spot...which creek is it?

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