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From AGFC:

When in the field, we occasionally come across things that make us scratch our heads. You may recall that on September 11th, we sent an email about observing a turtle swimming across Norfork Lake. Being as it is 2020, we wanted to provide another unusual observation that occurred on Norfork Lake.

Freshwater Drum, often referred to as "gaspergou," are native to Arkansas. Commonly found in large rivers, lakes, and reservoirs, drum derives its name from mature males' ability to contract a unique set of muscles that vibrate against the swimming bladder to produce a loud drum-like sound. The Fishes of Arkansas and Fishes of Missouri books both indicated Freshwater Drum are present in all of the Upper White River reservoirs except for Norfork Lake, as well as in the White River below Bull Shoals Lake. Previous biologists have also indicated that they have never observed Freshwater Drum while sampling Norfork Lake. With the craziness of 2020, it isn't surprising that we just happened to collect several Freshwater Drum for the first time on Norfork Lake. Individuals were sampled in different areas of the reservoir while electrofishing for black bass this fall. Shortly after that, Darrell Binkley of Bink's Fintastic Guide Service called us to report catching one. In his 29 years of guiding, he said that was the first one he had caught on Norfork Lake. Though we are unsure how the Freshwater Drum got into Norfork lake, we do not believe the introduction will impact the existing fisheries in Norfork Lake.


Drum are an odd species.  I've always been interested (kinda) in what makes them tick. 

They go, for the most part, unseen, until you have a crazy weather pattern or something that just completely shuts down every other fish in the body of water.....and then they miraculously appear as the only thing that will chase and bite.   The times when you'd think conditions are great and every other fish species is having a party.... you'll likely not even see a drum, much less catch one.   


Wappapello(St. Francois River) and Clearwater(black River) are about 30 miles apart as the crow flies.  Wappapello has plenty of drum, Clearwater has none that I know of.  

1 hour ago, Johnsfolly said:

@Ham might be stocking them in Norfork. You know that he likes to catch those 'gou ;).

I like to catch them too by the way :D.

Drum (1) - Current River - 05Aug16.JPG

So does Livie!

Livie Drum - Mill Creek - 05Jul20.jpg It is true that I love catching Freshwater Drum so much so that I once referred to myself as “Goo Boy” BUT I am not a Bucket Biologist. 

Every Saint has a past, every Sinner has a future. On Instagram @hamneedstofish


Gaspergou's is the only thing we call them in Texas. Yankee's call them Drumfish. They will bite worms, crankbaits etc. Caught one fish in a tournament on Lake Buchanan years ago, in Texas. Took it the scale as I thought it could be a record was not, but weighed 12.23lbs. And fought like you would not believe. Caught on a Blue/Black Jig off a boat dock.   


OK, ya'll made me drag out my PB drum pic.  My scales only go to 15 lbs. and this fish bottomed them out, so I'm guessing around 17#'s.  I've heard of 50 pounders so this one is just a tyke, but caught it on a Ned rig with 6 # test out of Beaver.  I have only caught one other drum on Beaver and have yet to catch one on Table Rock. 


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