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Smalliebigs last won the day on September 6 2022

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About Smalliebigs

  • Birthday 02/23/1969

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    Kirkwood, Missouri
  • Interests
    breathing oxygen

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  1. Yep autocorrect got me on that one touché my Orvis soy boy😜
  2. Why would you shut a thread down about all the illegals now drilling our rivers??? Nobody was fighting or arguing anything there. Is it that you feel the info being put out there was made up??? Phil Lilley if you still own this site this is a complete embarrassment, shame on you for allowing moderators on here to be communist. This is a fishing forum and illegals massing at public accesses and enter public and private property on rivers and ignoring any game codes is a huge issue. This is actually happening and your gonna stomp it out like your Cuba controlling the masses??? shame on you
  3. The illegals rapping our resources is just getting fires up!!!! The open border policies are starting to rear its ugly head. Three illegal incidents of poaching last week alone. Upper huzzah spear gun incident, also a guy I know came home from church yesterday and there were Spanish speaking individuals who had driven down his driveway thru his property to his private ramp and were fishing with minnows with a stringer of big bass. I witnessed around 30++ Spanish speaking individuals at Browns Ford on the Big catch and keeping everything that was swimming over there. Everyone I asked about where they came from and how come they were keeping 7 inch bass only responded in Spanish. Very few plates on the cars in the parking lot had any license plate at all. Could some of them been legal??? Possibly but, I’m not that naive. We are in trouble in the Ozarks, the illegal assault has begun.
  4. Wrong……they were Hondurans from St Ann way to show your love of your fellow man in the sticks lol
  5. Wow man!!! I met you once and you seemed a little more intelligent than this. Pretty sure you are just talking crap here to get a rise out of Mitch. Nonetheless you’re statement is lame
  6. I would kill for a few pairs of the 5/10 water shoes in 11.5…. I have 3 pairs left but, I am getting older so not sure how many I’ll need to get to my grave??
  7. They look good and swim fabulous I love the lateral roll you built into this bait, it can be fished very slow or fast I really like them Mitch. They will be a staple for me no doubt 😉
  8. You are definitely still the queen of the douche rockets on this forum lol wow
  9. Keep catching big river run Smallies break another state record and release the fish and not tell many people or show many people the proof catch a 15lb hybrid that’s about it 😉 hope you guys have been doing good, I haven’t been here in awhile, so I hope you all are doing good and nailing fish.
  10. Wow congrats Jim that’s really cool…..I think I know which lake 😜 I can’t drive for 6 months so I am living thru others for the time being. Great catch, hard to let them swallow the bluegill, that bass must have been pissed.
  11. They are super subtle on the movement so not very much is needed from the angler just very slight touches and the strip will allow the bait to get down to where you need and I had to fish them on 10lb test probably would have been better on 8lb but that scares me.
  12. Hey not trying to be that guy here but, have you had the chance to try the very new MB X-80 jr ?? I was down there right after Christmas visiting a friend who is a major tour pro and he took me out and we fished them and absolutely blew them up with them but, we did have to put a suspend dot on the belly and these are sizer subtle and don’t require much movement from the angler. they were hands down the best little finesse jerk I have ever used and now I am waiting on my shipment of them to arrive so I can get back out with some lol.
  13. Trust me where I’m fishing ain’t easy lol I have to watch the water levels extremely closely and the weather we’ll that’s another crazy factor when fishing the urban jungle. It’s not easy at all, not trying to brag but, being successful where I fish is not for the faint of heart. I decided to go nail a creek yesterday that has been getting hot pretty hard recently and even with all the pressure there I was able to catch an almost 21 inch Smallie and a good number over 17, here in St Louis that just is not the case hahaha It has taken me almost 20 years to get my thing down to where I am sometimes successful here in the city….it is what it is, my fishing trip to the creek yesterday was a gift from god IMO very unusual and awesome someone was smiling on me yesterday that’s for sure 🙂
  14. Agreed 100% my wife and have plans trust me we will be living on water here soon enough lol she is demanding it basically and she is the bread winner in this family unit. We have started construction on a home on a 1.5 acre lot on an 80 acre lake in St Francois County that faces the Southwest but, we aren’t going to move there while we sell our place here in Kirkwood, then we will hopefully have her ultimate property by then lol and yeah we need to travel as well hahaha
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