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MOPanfisher last won the day on January 10 2022

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Pomme de Terre Lake
  • Interests
    chasing whatever swims, walks, or flies.

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  1. Hell I don't speak very good English sometimes either and I ain't never been out of the US.
  2. The mud on top makes it a mess. I have a U shaped driveway that only has one useable side right now. Amazon driver on her first day had directions to come in on that side. She realized it was blocked and backed into the yard to turn around and that was as far as she got. Fortunately it took me longer to walk to the shop and get the tractor that it did to get her out. She was so apologetic about the ruts she left, told her if that was the worst that happened to my yard it would be a good spring. No idea what she brought for my wife but since UPS delivered a package from Midway for me earlier I can't complain too much.😁
  3. My foals for 2025 are pretty basic, go fishing. I have now been retired for a year and in a perfect world I would have worn out some fishing equipment. Unfortunately the fates didn't agree with that plan. But fortunately I have a few places I can still handle getting to and fishing from, and some buddies who will help out. Physically I just can't doe some of it anymore.
  4. I had maybe 5 inches of snow over the ice we had prior. Fired up the tractor and blades off what I could out to the county road and then the road down to the city limit, nothing better to do with my time. I am gonna be gone for several weeks so hopefully we don't have much more.
  5. Sadly I have helped load recovery several drowning victims. Mine were almost all from the lake and lake drowning victims can be down for several days. I am one of those who are terrified of drowning.
  6. MOPanfisher

    What's Cooking?

    There will be a group of friends and family bring different things. Intend to get the meat assignment, gonna split, brine and smoke two turkeys this year, wife is making her grandmother's dressing which is a meal in itself.
  7. MOPanfisher

    What's Cooking?

    Well it ain't nothing fancy and a couple days early for the cold snap but I am pretty well stuck at home today. The ham and bone got into the stove about 0600 and will simmer all day, I like them well cooked and with the juice almost as a gravy. This one has LOTS of ham and calico (mix) of bean types, and since the ham itself wasn't very flavorful it got some additional seasoning and it do smell good in the house today.
  8. MOPanfisher

    What's Cooking?

    Lots of good looking dishes being posted. Sadly I haven't been making any. Currently due to cold, COVID, chemo (take your pick) I have zero ability to taste anything (or smell, which sometimes I suspect is a blessing) Fresh Apple cider, good Mexican food, BBQ none of it have any flavor except salty or spicy. BUT seeing the pics I know in my mind what it should taste like and I can close my eyes and and smell and taste it. So keep posting them.
  9. Dang that is gonna leave a mark. Sorry it happened but sure hope you heal up correctly. Other people blood and injuries don't bother me but still DANG!!
  10. You are right about one thing it is always something.
  11. MOPanfisher

    What's Cooking?

    Natural Light is OK but I prefer Busch Light. Somebody had to be the first to say it.
  12. MOPanfisher

    What's Cooking?

    Hopefully will remember to get a photo. Tonight actual food, although let's be honest I will probably have some ice cream and cherry pie filling later. Tonight I had a couple of smoked pork hocks which I cooked in crock while I was otherwise occupied. Removed the bones and chopped up the meat and hide and dumped back into the crock pot juices (mostly chicken and beef stock. Then a double handful of baby taters a couple cans of Hoppin John, a can of tomatoes and okra, and a can of sweet potatoes hey why not.ots of garlic heavy seasoning knowing the taters are gonna suck up a lot of the salt but that is easily added back when serving. And since it was a bit soupy some corn starch to thicken it slightly. Smell good and here in a bit when the little taters are done will see how it tastes. This a lot form just me but I have a few more days to have to eat so I may be done cooking until Sunday when 4 chickens cut into quarters make the jump to the smoker for Sunday Supper with friends. Looks eh so so, taste very good, texture a bit odd as the skins didn't cook down and get all soft like I wanted. Edibility darn it was hot out of the pot. Had time to do stuff before it. Cooled enough to eat.
  13. MOPanfisher

    What's Cooking?

    Wife out if town for a few days. Today I had big chunk of toe nail removed so I decided to make myself a simple supper. Was gonna make cheesy grits with some rotisserie chicken in it. But following Dr orders to stay off my toe I opted for thus masterpiece instead. Vanilla Ice Cream with plenty of cherry pie filling. All source locally from or Dollar General. Tomorrow who knows maybe popsicles.
  14. Fried rabbit is delicious, especially with some garlic mashed taters and a skillet of gravy from.the scrapings!
  15. Had a friend from California give me some gummies. With reccomendation that I only eat maybe a quarter of one at a time. Haven't had the courage to try any of them yet.
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