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Daryk Campbell Sr

OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Daryk Campbell Sr

  1. I wish I could "like" this more than once.
  2. Your list, your rules. It's pretty rye opening when you realize what you have done. I've done lists mentally, and one day I'll write them down. I still enjoy tug, no matter what it's from.
  3. Great job!
  4. Good times. Seems like every fishing report from SD has a strong wind factor. How does that affect the ducks? Glad that you all were successful.
  5. That's a good brown.
  6. That's how I learned about her, through John Prine.
  7. I would imagine it would take a good rain for any consideration of a float. Or possibly in another section. It was very low in both Hawn and the nature preseve, as seen in the pictures. I did see what I believe was shaped and colored like a sauger streak by. No pickerel that I seen. I only fished in Hawn, the preserve had a sign that requested not to disturb any animals. I took it to include fish.
  8. I would go with the familiar routine. I'm very sorry to hear about your friend.
  9. These are from Festus, MO. I couldn't see anything with the naked eye. I probably could see some light red, but I wouldn't have noticed it if I wasn't concentrating on it.
  10. I took a hike and did some fishing. I caught one of the prettiest long ear sunfish I've seen. It was on my homeade tenkara rod and a fly I tied. I regret not taking my micro fly rod. I seen many fish just out of reach. I was also using red wigglers from Walmart. They are coffee scented. I think many fish were turned off by that. I watched them approach, and quickly turn away.
  11. I hope you do. Even if it's just Fishing off a dock. Bluegill are fun still.
  12. I don't get to go as much as some, and I try to report when I do. It has almost become taboo to report unless you are doing the same as everyone else, and catching mediocre fish that everyone can catch. I would love for the info to be shared again.
  13. Interesting video. I don't know this young man, but he seems to have done his homework.. https://youtu.be/epTkPcsicsI?si=qecVE4ppyjvaYv1_
  14. Excellent gift. I've collected lighters since I was a kid. Stopped smoking years ago, but continued to collected lighters. I've got quite a lot.
  15. I was really hoping for a picture. So glad you all got to visit.
  16. We have a Taneyfest gathering in January. Excellent time to meet OAF members and eat well. Oh, and we fish also.
  17. I follow this guy. He has some good sounding recipes. I've never tried them. https://www.pepperbellypete.com/products/pepperbellypete-s-worshyoursister-sauce
  18. BREADED Pork chops on the Blackstone. This is the recipe I found and used. I went longer than suggested, it was 160 degrees, and still a little pink. I was happy none the less. https://olebluedog.com/parmesan-crusted-pork-chops-on-blackstone-griddle/
  19. I've said it many times, I was that kid who was helped many ways, by many people. In some ways, I still am. That kid probably said thank you, but does not understand the value just yet. So, please let me thank you. I was always respectful, but it took many years to understand the benefits I've been given from many just like you. Every one, please take a second out of your day to smile at someone. If you have any opportunity to assist, open a door, pick up something dropped, or just give a smile, please do. Life is tough. Real tough. We all need help. Sometimes it's just a fishing trip. Sometimes it's just a smile. Yet it changes their world. And may just make you feel good.
  20. That was GOLD.
  21. Been in KY for a couple weeks. Stopped in at a couple distilleries. Got to fill and label my own bottle. Learned a few things while here. The label of "Bourbon" is only able to be used if it was made in the USA. Otherwise it is whiskey. Bourbon barrels are only used one time. Others reuse them for other drinks, and other uses. But not for Bourbon. There are typically only 3 ingredients. Corn (at least 51%), rye, and malted barley. Well 4 if you include the water. When it is first brewed, it is clear and very strong. I forgot the exact proof we sampled, but it was very strong and tasted HOT! The color comes from the barrel and the aging. Depending on the location of the barrels and the temps in the rick house, the whiskey colors may vary. Here you can see the char from the bottom of the barrel we dispensed from.
  22. I'm I'm KY for training. I would've really enjoyed this. Looking forward to.the next one. Thanks for all the pictures. And to answer the question, nope. Not at all too early to plan the next one.
  23. Some photos from Ohio. Hocking Hills State Park. Beautiful place.
  24. I've heard the tales of the spoon. As well as the furry caterpillars, and so many other old tales. I have a wild persimmon tree in my back yard. I'll have to see if my results are the same. Gonna be a week or so.
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