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Everything posted by nomolites

  1. I catch fish up to 50’ deep regularly - especially in summer, and rarely see any bladder issues. I think the threshold depth is likely water temp dependent, but I for one am not usually fishing that deep. Every once in a while I get a floater….and I will usually put them in the box. Mike
  2. This is more physics, and as far as gas laws go you ain’t no good at that either…lol. Mike
  3. If you have a “Link” TM you will want the hub…can run it from any of the heads or the remote in addition to the pedal. Very useful. Mike
  4. Been seeing mostly younger bucks so far, and yes, they are annoying the does. Did have a good one behind me Monday evening with 3 does beneath me while he worked a tree. The old nanny goat didn’t like something and hung up, stomping her foot. For what seemed like an hour. He finally chased off one of the other does and that was that. Decent 10pt pushed 3 does through this morning but he was really not what I am looking for. I’m out of the woods until Friday. I think after this weekend meat hunting will commence either way - would like to have two in the freezer before gun season. Mike
  5. N I C E ! ! ! Mike
  6. Jig and worm according to the winner. Nobody else was even in the 20s… Mike
  7. I fish often for hybrids, and with hybrids I have watched many times where once one fish is pulled from the school they get lock jaw….until you turn the FFS off. You can watch them approach and follow, but they will not commit after that first fish. What I do now is scan and mark them, pause the unit, and cast/catch. I will periodically switch back on and pan, but the unit is paused during casts/retrieves. That approach makes a noticeable difference for me, and I was never really a fan of video games anyway so I’m fine with it 😉. The tech is definitely a game changer as I can “see” what I had previously only deduced from partial data. I would agree that in my experience crappie don’t seem to be affected by it at all. Mike
  8. I enjoyed it; learned a lot in the process - but I am not very good at picking a team. Mike
  9. These days I don’t get buck fever per se until after the shot, which is a good thing. I can remember my first couple big deer encounters though, and the struggle was real. It’s not real good for a successful hunt. Mike
  10. I get that when that buck steps out in bow range(….normally without my pecker in my hand, but I can’t say there have not been exceptions Mike.
  11. Spider rigging. Mike
  12. No, I said data can be, and often is, presented with the intent to give the reader or listener a misleading impression. I also said that lobbyists and politicians quite often pursue self serving interests that at some level are related to $$$. Mike
  13. This is not quite accurate…emissions measurements are based on the ratio of “bad” emissions/NOx by volume. These days emitters often just add more air(blowers) and oxygen(injection) on the back end to get under the guidelines. The total volume by weight of the bad stuff in many emissions plumes is likely the same or even some cases higher. Brought to you by your favorite politician, lobbyists, the US EPA, and lots of $$$. Mike
  14. Next thread should be on Ike Jime. Mike
  15. I put together some 16s in tan/black and cream/olive and they are buggy indeed. I really like the thread ribbing sealed in UV - I had not seen that before, but it’s in my toolkit now. Thanks for sharing! Mike
  16. Nice! Yes, round and round we go. It’s a unique experience to be sure. That is cool you got your daughter in on it! Mike
  17. I rarely agree with CWF, but the comment has merit - we have a lot of knuckleheads voting in this country and most are voting on a perception of their candidate rather than their performance. Rarely do our elected clowns deliver what they promise, and we should all beware. I do, however, disagree with the notion that idiocy is a conservative specialty - these folks reside on both sides of the issues/aisle. Mike
  18. That’s why I don’t even consider going to places like Coconuts - once was enough. I miss joints like Time Out and Ozark BBQ. Mike
  19. That house is all the way out on a point by itself so probably not. There is a channel swing I fish regularly right there and I have often admired that house. Not so much now. Mike
  20. Look like rainbows to me. Mike
  21. First cast drop shooting a Cajun melon centipede yielded a 4# LM for me on LOZ. Have not tried the shark tails yet… Mike
  22. Nice piglet. Good to see you posting! Mike
  23. Very Nice - bet those were a hoot on a 7wt. I was wondering where those fish went…I saw one school deep a few weeks ago but could not keep them pinned down. ‘Mike
  24. Hmmm - maybe an elk? I wouldn’t expect any moose sightings in your woods. Mike
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