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  1. Thanks, I'd seen it on the GPS maps And never New for sure.
  2. I've never put in on mission road before. Is it a high water ramp. Can anyone use it.
  3. Back before they dammed up the Osage river basin, It used to have an amazing natural spawn For walleye. They would run out of the Missouri river into the Osage river basin to spawn. I wonder what What type of walleye Those are. And before the White River was dammed ,.What would that have been
  4. If you go down to the Florida keys everything is either Yamaha or Suzuki. I have To admit I've been a long time Evinrude fan. If I had to buy a 4 stroke though it would be a Yamaha.
  5. It gets much higher it won't matter what the level is downstream.
  6. I grew up in Branson in Hollister area I remember seeing 895 in the wintertime
  7. A buddy and I fished from Beaver Creek to the dam and back . Didn't find any walleye water Was 46 to 49゚.
  8. I have a hummingbird helix G2n And a garman on the console. Both are not very old And I love the garman way better.
  9. Great job guys. Keep the pictures coming. It's usually gotta be 50゚ or better for me, My hands And the cold Don't mix well.
  10. Thanks for the pictures bill. That's amazing, i love watching them when im in the woods.
  11. I believe so, It always seems to look like that 😄
  12. Glad to hear I'm not the only one that hates those little dinky minnows. I think Greenfield has the best size, But you guys are right they literally count them out. I'm always gotten pretty decent minnows from Lakys On the East Side of the Lake.
  13. I use okuma. I haven't had any issues with them.
  14. I thought about doing the same thing. I went from a cable steer to the terrova .there's definitely an upside and a downside to the terrova vs cable steer. Let me know how that works for you pulling off the assist a lift.
  15. I have the same problems with the cables. They wrap around and wrap around. And sometimes the unit will shut off while I'm fishing and I'll look up and figure out its is no longer on spot lock.
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