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Blll last won the day on September 10 2015

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About Blll

  • Birthday 10/05/1948

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  • Location
    Rogers, Ar.
  • Interests
    Multi-species, rod building, lure making

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Longear Sunfish

Longear Sunfish (28/89)



  1. I have a weird goal. While traveling around Beaver Lake, where I'm blessed to have a slip, I've seen huge carp. Yep, carp. Where I came from near Chicago we fished for carp on purpose. Other than maybe stripers, I don't know of a freshwater fish that fights harder. No one targets them on Beaver at all. That is my weird goal for 2025. To establish a pattern and target these hard pullin' things. My PB carp is 25# but I've seen bigger here. They are here, why not catch em'. I know, weird.
  2. I've been catching a few yellow bass too. Not really a good thing. They are very prolific and max out at about 10". No reason to release any IMO.
  3. Blll

    4/30 Mid Lake

    Bright, calm, wt 64-67. Did well on crappies around numerous PC docks. Tried some gravel coves with no crappie luck. Between the turtles and carp, it was like an "R" rated movie Beautiful day, quite a few boats enjoying Beaver Lake. 10 years retired here, what a blessing. Water dirty many places with lots of junk in the water. Some coves were so bad, a clean cast was hard to come by.
  4. Beautiful morning with light breeze. Fished mid lake coves. WT:58-62. Fished for 3 hours and had 15 bass with 4 solid 16"+ spots. No dinks, all 13-14". Ned and 2.8 Keitech. All were caught on drop off , ledge rock banks, 10-15 fow. No smallies or lgmth. Saw several boats searching/targeting bedding fish. Free country I know but I just can't knowingly drag spawners off their bed. Each to his own. Pretty busy for a Wednesday.
  5. Yep, yellow bass for sure. Cousin to White bass, much smaller, more prolific. Not a good thing.
  6. Out at dawn, mid lake.Tried a couple points for top water bite, no love. Found fish around main lake cove mouths, shad balls blocked out the screen several times and actually bumped line. 8 spots up to 16" on drop shot under shad in 25-40 fow. two small stripers on swimbait. Some top water activity but seemed to be smaller spots. Light breeze, perfect temps, partly sunny. Just a great morning. wt60, warmer in coves. In at 11.
  7. Well a buddy and I had our best 4 hours since June. Pulled crawler harnesses around the islands at just over 1 mph in 20-35 fow. Caught 9 walleyes, kept 4- 19". Also kept 6 white bass, released 6 spots, 4 catfish and an 8"bluegill. Beautiful weather. Great day for me. Blade color did not matter. In the slip at noon so he could go to work. Left them bitin'!
  8. You're a lucky man!
  9. As an old guy's observation, the lack of "making stuff" in the U.S. is surely a large part of the problem. We sent these jobs away and they won't be back. Both political parties to blame or credit. Sadly, much new technology creates a few new jobs but overall eliminates more. Good paying, 'blue collar' jobs are the ones being eliminated. I had occasion to watch an old movie,"Mr. Blandings Dream House. There must have been 15-20 carpenters working a 5.5 day week. Now the job could be done by 3 guys with nail guns. Progress? Sure but at what cost. Very difficult to put the genie back in the bottle. Was blessed enough to be able to buy a new Merc motor. Waited 11 months! I had a connection with Mercury and asked why don't they add another shift and build more. The answer was they can't get parts that are "outsourced" fast enough so even if the demand is there we can't put people to work. And WE made this mess. Glad I'm retired and apologize to my grandchildren for the country we've left them. Enough... I'm goin fishing.
  10. Amazing the lengths they will go to to rob you. We have a 14 slip enclosed dock. Last 4th of July weekend thieves came in the night, swam under the individual garage doors, and hit 6 of the 14 slips. Luckily my insurance coved it but I make my own rods and they can't be properly valued and out of pocket the deductible. Locked dock, locked slip and now locked rod storage in the slip. police think they must have had a canoe to throw everything in. Only took high end rods & reels, no electronics. We added lakeside lighting .
  11. Blll

    3/2/22 Mid lake

    Fishing mid lake around the islands and the clarity was about 5-6 ft.
  12. Fished from 8 til 11. Caught 3 bass, all 15" on ned. Gravel shores, 8-10 fow. no bait in shallow on screen. Plenty of bait 40-50 deep. , 1LM, 1SM, 1 spot. WT 43-45. Drop dead beautiful day with quite a few boats out. At least a few days of spring are here. Go get em'.
  13. Unlimited $$$$. wow! I would travel and follow the best bite all around the country. I guess I'd like to be Al Linder or Doug Stange without the cameraman or deadline. Mostly I would support friends and family so some of them could join me. Nothing is more fun than a road trip to Canada, Lake Erie, Wolf river for White bass, all at the best time! Have you ever spent a week on a houseboat in Canada...the best!I would not necessarily need the most expensive of everything. Don't need the most expensive car, biggest house, 70k bass boat or fancy clothes. I would find a way to properly vet some of those in need and ease those needs. I cringe when watching rich people spend thousands on shoes or a purse. Don't need a villa in France. You know, I think I'm living the dream now but I would love to find a good landscaper. In the movie Platoon, there is a quote that if you make it home, the rest is all gravy. I made it home so...Wow, I guess I'm really happy! I hope to make others happy too.
  14. From a Viet Nam vet, now livin" the dream, You're welcome!
  15. Long summer, fall is here. Got out today before the rain got serious and had plenty of action with ned and keitech. All 3 black bass, cats, crappies and a walleye. All in less than 15fow. One good 18" smallie on a spook just at sunrise. W/T 73-75 from bridge to PC. Is it just me or are the White bass scarce the past couple years? Ive not seen them bustin' the surface at all this year. Just me?
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