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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by m&m

  1. Awesome picture. Mike
  2. Mark, great advice. Glad you sought the help. Mike
  3. Loads of fish each morning in this heat! Nice trip for sure. Mike
  4. Steve, sorry to hear this but happy that the prognosis is looking good. Mike
  5. Dutch, sounds like a fun time. Mike
  6. Most of those are called “reunion houses”. It appears there is a market for large home rentals so the whole family can stay in one home. Some of the developers are building them and selling them to investors. The developer will then manage the nightly rental. Happening all over Table Rock area. Mike
  7. Good day for sure. Mike
  8. Those smiles says it all. Congratulations. Mike
  9. Ouch! That hook hurts just to look at it. Fisherman, congratulations on the 5th place. Mike
  10. Congratulations. Very warm day out there. Mike
  11. Her smile says it all. Congratulations Mike
  12. A meteorologist is like a baseball player…..if you are right 3 times out of 10, you’re considered pretty good. People think they can change the climate or alter global warming (or whatever the activists call it now) and with all the technology, they can’t even predict the weather correctly all the time. Mike
  13. Bill, Gotta love that topwater bite. I guess you are easing into retirement which is ok because everyone needs a reason to get out of bed each day. Mike
  14. Healthy looking fish. Mike
  15. Bill, lots of interesting information in your posts. Thank you Mike
  16. Dave, thanks for the update. Nice looking fish. Mike
  17. Take tons of photos during the build. Where the wiring and pipes are installed may be a bit different than the blueprints. Mike
  18. Bill, retirement is the best. Time to stop and see the wonder out there. Mike
  19. Bobby, congratulations to your daughter on the fine day of fishing. Mike
  20. Quillback, always the gentleman. Mike
  21. Champ, that means we will have all the skinny water to ourselves. Mike
  22. Alex, great pictures of very healthy looking fish. Remember the wind is your friend. Mike
  23. Champ, so sorry to hear this. Mike
  24. Quillback, so due to gas prices you’re gonna bank fish? Maybe just post in the morning that your going to big M and I’ll just fish from another part of the lake. The fish know that it is your lure and so they bite cause they know you’ll put ‘em back in the water. You make it look so easy. Congratulations. Mike
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