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Ryan Miloshewski

Fishing Buddy
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Ryan Miloshewski last won the day on November 18 2024

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About Ryan Miloshewski

  • Birthday August 19

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Kansas City, MO
  • Interests
    -Outdoor Writer
    -Healthcare IT

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Walleye (50/89)



  1. Remember when me, you and @Daryk Campbell Sr all had on 20" rainbows and only your tiny little net to help?
  2. Poblano?! @ness shame...shame
  3. My cousin and I will be there Thursday afternoon
  4. Had the unthinkable happen this weekend. One of my best friends was chasing down a cripple in a boat and hit a stump. It threw him into the water and he didn't make it. Only reason I am saying this is to remind everyone who duck hunts how dangerous it can be, especially in weather like this. Things can go south fast. He was only 28, and one of the best guys I knew. He taught me a lot about duck hunting, fly fishing, fly tying, and just about anything you can imagine as far as outdoor activities. Be safe, carry a knife to cut wader straps, and don't take anything for granted.
  5. "Vaughan, a juvenile delinquent in the offseason, in his major league debut!"
  6. I can do that @gotmuddy. Two breasts should be enough, yea?
  7. They are catching the same amount, in the same areas, as they always have. They used to spider rig, now they scope. I always say it is up to the fishermen. FFS is just a tool (a good one). You don't have to go out and keep every fish you catch. I don't. Used it on Truman last April to catch big, pre-spawn females and let all of them go. It can be done, I promise. More importantly, I've seen a lot of people using FFS that absolutely cannot grasp it. They suck at it, really. They would do better by shutting it off and just fishing blind. It's not as easy as putting it in the water and whoopee 15 crappie! Still have to know how to fish.
  8. Still not great. We are getting some meltage with the sun but the major streets are still snow covered. Haven't tried a highway yet but it looks like they are covered still, too.
  9. Well closed out middle zone with 6 mallards Thurs/Fri and a goose Saturday. Part of me wanted to go yesterday, but I'm getting wiser as I age. Things will lock up quite a bit for the foreseeable future outside of rivers and creeks. May have to jump down to the South Zone a few times. Still have plenty of bloodlust.
  10. After two rounds yesterday I said screw it, I'm waiting until it's done. Went out this morning and got the driveway cleared for take off and the deck for the birds. They are eating me out of house and home last two days. Had 37 cardinals on the deck yesterday evening.
  11. 11-inches and counting here where I'm at in KC (according to my driveway measurement). Layer of 1/4" ice underneath it. Yesterday hunted in Clinton and fished Truman, and driving back it was starting to get bad. Slid a few times but the way people were acting was too over the top. Just drive slow and don't be an idiot. Took almost 3 hrs to get home. 435 was shutdown right after I pulled in.
  12. I will bring some crappie and duck or goose jerky.
  13. Nice, Marty! Buddy out this morning said we got a ton of ducks overnight. Since two guys quit at work, I haven't been able to go but three days since 11/17. Wish they would've quit in June. Oh well, maybe I can salvage the rest of middle zone. I don't know much in the South zone so maybe I'll just wait until KS opens back up. Not the season I envisioned, that's for sure.
  14. Not a fan. I went in there one time and they barely had anything and were rude. Could've been just the day, but I've not been back since. That was 5 years ago.
  15. Sadly, yes. Kevin is retiring. Realllllyyy sucks.
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