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About vonreed

  • Birthday 07/07/1979

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  • Gender
  • Location
    highlandville mo
  • Interests
    hunting, bowhunting ,fishing, trapping ,arrowhead hunting, mushroom hunting, floating, camping. If it's outdoors and in season that's what I'll be doing.

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Skipjack Herring

Skipjack Herring (44/89)



  1. Boy og boy how I could get started on bass fishermen who think they own the lake. I've lost hundreds and hundreds of $$$$$ to them. They are always highly visible and marked. Yet way too often are cut or pulled or better yet i catch people checking them and they motor off when they notice I'm coming. It's the same feeling a person gets when walking into your deerstand early morning and someone has stolen it.
  2. Id be interested to know how you prove a walleye was caught on a trotline or limb line.
  3. Now you're gonna have to add: 1 saved dog to the fishing success graph at the end of the videos
  4. Ok thanks, I wasn't sure if he was doing walleye trips or not. Good luck tomorrow.
  5. It will be busy
  6. Lots of good flatheads in Tablerock, my biggest was 60+ pounds. I had a 23 pounder that got lodged in its mouth while in the bottom of the boat. Most are obviously smaller in the 3-5 pound range.
  7. I've caught hundreds of catfish from Tablerock, never a blue cat.
  8. There is no other standard options. Best bet would be to float down to hootentown but it has the party crowd.
  9. It's tough to find good bank access that's worth the effort. Gotta get away from the access. But maybe you can do better.
  10. You'd probably be best off floating from horse creek down to galena.
  11. Congrats on the walleye and sorry you lost the couple other nice fish, next time dont use older hooks with dull barbs, haha. That was me and my kids down there fishing next to you. Congrats on the nice fish
  12. Ok I'll try that out, thanks.
  13. I have a friend who has snagged spoonbill below power site dam on the bluff side
  14. I fished yesterday evening and was really surprised by how dirty the water was! There was even small trees coming through the gates.
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