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Chief Grey Bear

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Chief Grey Bear last won the day on November 28 2022

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About Chief Grey Bear

  • Birthday 11/10/1967

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    That holler over yonder
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  1. I am proud to announce there is a hot new family of baits hitting the market as we speak. Tackle Max Lures owner Mitch Fields is back in business! And these baits are far superior to his previous HD brand. Higher quality molds and the highest quality injection resins give these new baits unequaled action that is irresistible to targeted fish. If you want the secrete to catching fish, this is it! No hocus pocus. Just the highest quality fishing baits on the market today!
  2. Looks like a heck of a trip to me! Heck any time with me is a good time! Just ask me! I spent some time with @WoundedOnethis weekend over a steaming pot of chili on the river bank. He got to telling some stories about what’s been happening around here so I thought I’d drop by for a minute. It’s good see you boys still hanging around here.
  3. Hey, long time no see. Thought I’d share with you kids a green bean casserole I made with a homemade mushroom cream sauce. And I though you couldn’t improve on the old standard cream of mushroom soup version. I stand corrected!
  4. Looks like Phil made two mistakes. 1. Getting rid of the Political forum. 2. Giving you a power trip.
  5. This is political? I notice Big Al didn’t get a warning.
  6. I’ve said for years now, I’m tired of the “I’m more American than you” attitude.
  7. Nothing political about it.
  8. I’m not. I’m not the most update person, but I haven’t heard the words come out of their mouths that has been put in them. Maybe I missed it.
  9. So you can’t is what you’re saying. You spend all day on the web, it should be easy for you.
  10. Can you give me some of these anti, hatred for America quotes? I always thought it was for fair and equal treatment.
  11. I will say, you guys have mastered the Boycott. 🤣🤣🤣
  12. It’s getting really difficult as to who the most offended is.
  13. Only 20% of the electricity generated in the US is from coal fired plants. And that number is declining every year.
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