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crazy4fishin last won the day on November 27 2021

crazy4fishin had the most liked content!

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  • Interests
    Fishin - Huntin - then more fishin

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Rock Bass

Rock Bass (42/89)



  1. Good to hear from you Bill! Glad you are hammering them. C4F
  2. Bill, what would you have for a guy that has never fly fished but wants to try it. I fish Taney alot and have thought about going to a fly rod. Also if you are parting with any Lews reels let me know C4F
  3. rps - Have your tried looking for an airbnb in the area? Here are a few that I found https://www.airbnb.com/s/Shell-Knob--Missouri--United-States/homes?tab_id=home_tab&refinement_paths[]=%2Fhomes&flexible_trip_lengths[]=one_week&monthly_start_date=2024-02-01&monthly_length=3&price_filter_input_type=0&channel=EXPLORE&query=Shell Knob%2C MO&place_id=ChIJZQVzaIQoz4cRuU7OPeW9GFI&date_picker_type=calendar&checkin=2024-05-06&checkout=2024-05-11&source=structured_search_input_header&search_type=autocomplete_click
  4. What sad news, Buster was one of the first guides that I used when I started fishing Taney and TR. That was 25+ years ago. We developed a friendship that extended to our families sharing meals and many a fishing trip - like all of us there were life issues but he was always smiling and that man could fish like no other. Bill is right, he went home to soon for those if us still on the spinning ball! Prayers for his family during this time C4F
  5. Thanks for teasing us Bill!! I thought they might be for sale also C4F
  6. I see that I finished 12th in our league...better than I thought since I stunk at a couple of events. It was a great year - I had a hard time adjusting to the new talent in the field. Are we all getting a participation trophy? C4F
  7. Quill I noticed that your neighbors had their kayaks out....I guess they were expecting more that a couple of inches? C4F
  8. Quality fish right there...very envious!! What glide color did they bite on? C4F
  9. That guys smile says it all!! I bet he smiled like that in his sleep!! I know I would C4F
  10. Sorry - I am not going to be able to make it....have to be in Clinton IA for the day tomorrow and I cant make the drive in time...sorry but this was just dropped on me. Y'all have fun!! C4F
  11. Sooo....good day of fishing bad day weighing anything...I am hoping for that participation trophy 🏆 though. But I did stop at the weigh in and I bought the most expensive brat in North America....$12 and it did not include any fries, chips, kiss or a handshake!!! It did come in a nice plastic container with a few condiments though. C4F
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