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Fishing Buddy
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Gizzard Shad

Gizzard Shad (19/89)



  1. how and where do I find your message?
  2. Sounds good, can I get your name and phone number some how so he can contact you?
  3. Would you be willing to meet my son in Springfield either Sunday the 14th about 9 pm,or sometime the 17th?
  4. Quill, do you think they were fishing for whites?
  5. Duck


    Sorry, he don't have the extra time, thanks anyway.
  6. Duck


    My son is heading back to Illinois tomorrow. He will be going through Springfield. He said he would go $100 cash on it if you will take that. Could you meet somewhere near Springfield?
  7. Duck


    How much for the grinder? how old do you think it is?
  8. Duck


    Residential grade meat grinder. Vaccumm bag sealer. Log Splitter - 15-22 ton, gas powered.
  9. -11 at 6:30 this morning at Holiday Island.
  10. 6 inches at Holiday Island and still snowing.
  11. Can someone explain to me how to add a picture to a new topic? Thanks, Duck.
  12. Duck

    Out Posts

    Does anyone have a recommendation for fly in out posts in eastern Ontario. Thanks Duck.
  13. I have the hound dog and added six 8 inch pieces of window sash chain to it, it will snag the lure just about every time.Duck.
  14. Duck


    The entrance to the park at Eagle Rock is blocked off. Duck.
  15. Duck


    My son is wanting to come down for white bass fishing, does anyone have a report on the Kings or upper White above Holiday Island? Thanks for any info. Duck
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