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Everything posted by DADAKOTA

  1. Lots of brush piles get moved via folks inadvertently dropping dropping their anchor in them. Snagged into an anchor line off a pile and ended up with a nice anchor and 50 feet of line. Often times they get moved a little bit before the anchor comes free.
  2. Went to 5-Guys in Lees Summit several years ago. Nothing but a complete grease pit. Burger was tasteless and the fries were limp, but at least they were cold. Never have eaten there again. I make way better burgers at home on the grill, the blackstone, or even in a skillet. Double fried french fries are awesome as well.
  3. Lot more people fishing and putting pressure on the lakes. FFS has made it easier for folks to catch fish.
  4. For those with these covers, what is the ballpark cost for say an 16 foot jonboat?
  5. Got boxes of them. Also lots NIB. More than willing to sell them.
  6. My Dad used to make a rye dough and completely cover the ham with it. He'd bake it and it would come out hard as a rock like a dinosaur egg. LIterally would crack the rye shell off with a hammer. Best flavored and moistest ham I have ever had. Unfortunately his recipe book has ben misplaced or lost.
  7. Good luck with that Champ. The Missouri Waterfowl Association was formed in part to give waterfowlers a way to express their opinions to the MDC. Lots of time and $$$ went into the organization. Yes surveys were conducted and meetings were held and in the end MDC did whatever THEY wanted. MDC did not follow the opinions of the people. They in fact misrepresented the data from the surveys. That was established as MWA paid for copies of the surveys and tabulated them. Totally different results than what MDC came up with. After years of beating their heads against the MDC wall, MWA pretty well disbanded. Have fun playing against a stacked deck.
  8. Make it about half the size. Fit his small hands better.
  9. Got the pen Marty. It is truly a work of art. The picture you posted does not do it justice as it looks even better in my hand. Nothing better than a pen with some weight to it. Probably too heavy for Fshndoug. Thanks again.
  10. What kind of $$$ did the 4 hour hunt cost?
  11. Awesome news. Fshndoug what is this Jacomo you speak of?
  12. Amazing
  13. I'll take the 4 spot please.
  14. Chuck Barrett on Missouri Football and Facilities Barrett’s response to the caller’s query started innocently enough. He praised Nashville (Vanderbilt), Knoxville (Tennessee) when the Vols are rolling and added Tuscaloosa (Alabama) and Athens (Georgia) “do it in a way that nobody else does,” and even gave some love to Baton Rouge (LSU). But, Barrett continued, “I guess if I had to pick one place I didn’t like going, it would be Columbia (Missouri).” Barrett mentioned that the frequent cold weather during the sports he calls for the northernmost SEC campus is one reason, but was only heating up at that point. “Guys, I got to tell you, maybe I’m the only one but I’ve developed a sincere dislike of Missouri,” he told co-hosts Tye Richardson and Tommy Craft. Why? “I don’t think they take their sports seriously. I don’t think “it [just] means more.” They act like they’re a little bit better than those of us in the southern corridor, let’s just put it that way. And I’ve just never cared for them.” Barrett added that he’s disappointed in the level of sports facilities development he has seen from Missouri in the decade the Tigers have been in the SEC. “I don’t think they’ve progressed very much. When I see their facilities, and I’m sure they’ve done some things here and there, but there’s not anything magnificent. There’s no Baum Stadium [Arkansas’ baseball stadium], there’s no Fred Smith Football Center. They don’t have things like that, and I’ve wondered why because they got plenty of cash rolling in now.” Barrett made sure his listeners knew he wasn’t ragging on any specific Mizzou alumni here (Lord knows Arkansas football fans appreciate Bob Holt and Barry Odom), but that “I’m just saying I don’t care for their program.”
  15. Mizzou snatches defeat from the jaws of victory more times than not. Been that way for decades.
  16. Love the ability to hang deer. IN this weather I'd think it would freeze


    True dat
  18. Lots of articles on that 1940 storm. My Dad was 11 and talked about that storm with great reverence. The weather during the Fall of 1940 was uncharacteristically warm and pleasant. That beast of a storm is the same one that took out the Tacoma Narrows suspension bridge on November 7th.It was ravaging the Upper Midwest on November 11th. So many went to duck hunt with only warm weather gear totally unprepared for the Blizzard. Good read with many articles at refugeforums.com/threads/49-duck-hunters-perished-today.484868/ As a duck hunter this storm really intrigues me. Several Books on the Subject - https://www.amazon.com/All-Hell-Broke-Loose-Experiences/dp/188237696X More Articles - A Deadly Day for Duck Hunters by Chris Madson The Icy Winds of Death - https://www.iowadnr.gov/portals/idnr/uploads/Iowa Outdoors Magazine/Hunting/files/IcyWindsOfDeath.pdf Armistice Day 1940: The Storm Remembered by Sean Valentine as printed in the Nov/Dec 1985 Issue of The Minnesota Volunteer Death on the Mississippi - Winona Daily News 11/13/40 as printed in the Nov/Dec 1990 Issue of The Minnesota Volunteer The Icy Winds of Hell -https://www.mprnews.org/story/2000/11/10/the-winds-of-hell In the Eye of the Storm: Recollections of the Great Blizzard of 1940 by Steve Penick
  19. Now I am confused. So you give away a limit of fish and they count as yours until the person you gave them to eats them? Or are you saying that while fishing if you give them to another person they still count against your limit for that day? Per MDC Daily and Possession Limits Find statewide daily and possession limits by fishing season. You may possess no more than the daily limit of any given species while you are on waters, or on the banks of waters, where daily limits for those species apply. Any species taken into actual possession, unless released unharmed immediately after being caught, shall continue to be included in the daily limit of the taker for the day. Where only catch-and-release fishing is allowed, fish must be returned unharmed immediately to the water after being caught. The possession limit is twice the statewide daily limit. Fish you take and possess must be kept separate or distinctly identifiable from fish taken by another person. If you are away from your catch, the device holding the fish must be plainly labeled with your full name and address.


    Chefs also laid an egg at Indy
  21. What are the rules for the antique division?
  22. The ones I have seen were at Home Depot and are made by Milwaukee Tools
  23. How do they determine food poisoning versus a gut bug of some sorts? Had salmonella once and never want it again. Health department contacted me and wanted to know what I'd been eating and where the food came from.
  24. Prayers from here.
  25. That is a dandy. Congrats
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