Tough loss for the Hawgs yesterday, the D looked to be totally bamboozled. But it was an entertaining game and the Hawgs were in it to the end and even though the 2 pt. conversion at the end failed, I was good with the decision to go for it.
Just pulled this image off the local news, the title to the story was: "Branson residents prepare for Vernon's arrival".
I think that guy on the right with his back to the camera is Phil Lilley.
Doggone it, I was hoping we might get down to at least 913 by December. I have some specific trees I like to fish in the winter and it sure helps if they are sticking out of the water a bit. Oh well, guess that is wishful thinking on my part. We'll probably be lucky if it doesn't get above 920 post Vernon.
Went over and checked out Aunt's creek park yesterday, the pavilion we will meet at is the one right on the water between the two boat launches. I plan to be there before 0700 if anyone wants to drop stuff off before they go out.
Yes it is too early..
HAHA, I was waiting until mid-October before getting things going, but we can start now. 2nd weekend in December would be Saturday 12/11, which is fine with me.
I admit to being a bandwagon rider when it comes to the Hawgs, nice to see them winning some meaningful games again, hope they play well in Athens this Saturday.
I did do a few changes along the way. Changed retrieve, did some swimming of the jig, swimming it got a few bites. Next chance I get to go, I think I'll use a Keitech as a trailer and do some more swimming. Might throw a Trap around too, and maybe a jerk bait.