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Everything posted by jdmidwest

  1. Gotta have pics or it's not real. We all like bunnies
  2. Hunting is the killer, turkey tags and deer tags not included. Did go on and look, still think Conservation Partner and trapping will save me money. Probably buy Grandson one this year before they raise rates for 15.
  3. I was not born there, ancestors moved here from there early 1800. Guess I can do dual residency like Prince Phillip. I see he is US citizen now. Even the royalty is leaving Britain.
  4. Good deal, wonder if other states offer it for non-residents.
  5. Do you want to elaborate on the savings?
  6. Better than liver fed park trout.
  7. It was a cluster, cluster of 2 numnuts that like to eat sick deer.
  8. How do they ever starve to death?
  9. Got to get them before all the poachers clean them out. They usually go after them a few weeks before season to take the dumb ones.
  10. Good thing you are still able to keep her straightened out.
  11. Probably so. I always sterilize my honey with Whisky.
  12. I saw one the other day about some mass die offs of anyone eating Wild Trout. Can't seem to find it now.....
  13. TN ones did the goofy livewell roll. But they would straighten out and swim right. All alive when they hit the ice. Last trip, it was too warm. I iced them all at the start.
  14. The hybrids and stripers seem to like impounded waters better. True whites seem to run in faster waters. The ones in the St. Francis near home should not have mixed with any striped bass. I don't think anyone ever tried to introduce them. Closest stripers I have here are in Perry County MDC lake near Perryville. They seem to school in the Wappappello Lake, but I have caught them floating in river far above all year long. The ones in TN may actually be yellow bass, they all have the broken lines. I think pure whites are the only ones with solid lines.
  15. That motor has been setting too long.
  16. Good looking mess of fish. Brighter than our Easter fish from Tennessee.
  17. You just forget about that one!
  18. The hordes swarmed around here and clogged up everything. Glad to see you took advantage of the millions of acres of nice viewing areas. I drove around town watching the tourists with glasses on staring at the sun while working, dropped off at the house 30 minutes before, and saw it from the same place as 2017. Alone and quiet with a neighbor. Not a sole for miles, but only miles from the fiasco.
  19. Just read this, thinking "Smoked Smallies" when I saw it....
  20. Page out of the Mercury instructions. How could this go wrong??
  21. Its only invasive if they don't use the lube....
  22. Greer is a primitive camp with limited facilities. Everyone looks rough for a few days with no water or nice warm toilets. Should have toured the area some and stayed in town at Alton or Winona. So, where did you see the Eclipse?
  23. My swarm settled in fine and was working well today while I was tilling. All is right with the world in that part.
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