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I think I have been checked once while gigging and that was at Bell Chutes, which is a very busy access. If you are launching from a private access, the chances of getting checked are virtually zero.


Between otters and giggers, it's a wonder any decent bass make it through the winter alive.

The only consolation is that giggers nor otters probably have the time to target smaller bass, so hopefully the resource will always be able to renew. Just fewer pigs for everyone

8 minutes ago, ColdWaterFshr said:

The other gripe I have about giggers is cleaning their fish at the boat ramps leaving a stinking mess, fowling the water and scales everywhere.  I was at 2 different boat ramps on Sunday on the Big River and both were stinking messes.  Lazy and inconsiderate.

Yep, totally lazy and inconsiderate. The percentage of giggers who don't give a crap is pretty big. If I bought a box of shotgun shells and 5 didn't fire, I'd call it a pretty shitty box of shells. 

"Honor is a man's gift to himself" Rob Roy McGregor

15 minutes ago, ColdWaterFshr said:

The other gripe I have about giggers is cleaning their fish at the boat ramps leaving a stinking mess, fowling the water and scales everywhere.  I was at 2 different boat ramps on Sunday on the Big River and both were stinking messes.  Lazy and inconsiderate.

If you think that is bad, you should visit the Wigwam School access on Lake of the Ozarks during snagging season. MDC actually put in concrete slides for cleaning fish on the bank and dumping the guts at the ramp so they must not be too concerned with it. I see a lot of carcasses near ramps on the Gasconade during gigging season and the only ones that stink are the ones that are on left on the bank. Turtles, coons and bottom feeders usually take care of carcasses that are left near boat ramps.

31 minutes ago, ColdWaterFshr said:

The other gripe I have about giggers is cleaning their fish at the boat ramps leaving a stinking mess, fowling the water and scales everywhere.  I was at 2 different boat ramps on Sunday on the Big River and both were stinking messes.  Lazy and inconsiderate.


15 minutes ago, Seth said:

If you think that is bad, you should visit the Wigwam School access on Lake of the Ozarks during snagging season. MDC actually put in concrete slides for cleaning fish on the bank and dumping the guts at the ramp so they must not be too concerned with it. I see a lot of carcasses near ramps on the Gasconade during gigging season and the only ones that stink are the ones that are on left on the bank. Turtles, coons and bottom feeders usually take care of carcasses that are left near boat ramps.

     Fellows I could not agree more. Never had many issues with giggers. Just caught fish with holes in them. Seen a Walleye once that had been cleaned with suckers. Now to Spoonbillers and a few cat fishermen. Yes some of them are that way. One boat ramp I use can get pretty bad. It is steep and narrow. Easy for them to haul fish up with the vehicle and boat. Clean fish up top and for some reason it is hard to reverse trip back down ramp to dump carcass. For heavens sake throw it in the water or take it home. If you want to share your catch take it home and put it on a fence post in front of your home to share like most of the rest of the guys.  This all being said we see only the ones who do this. I am an optimist and believe there are so many more that do it the right way. Nothing is said about the ones who do it right but just wittiness one doing it wrong and it goes viral,


"We have met the enemy and it is us",


   If you compete with your fellow anglers, you become their competitor, If you help them you become their friend"

Lefty Kreh

    " Never display your knowledge, you only share it"

Lefty Kreh

         "Eat more bass and there will be more room for walleye to grow!"


    " One thing in life is for sure. If you are careful you can straddle the barbed wire fence but make one mistake and you will be hurting"


  P.S. "May your fences be short or hope you have long legs"


5 minutes ago, BilletHead said:

I am an optimist and believe there are so many more that do it the right way. Nothing is said about the ones who do it right but just wittiness one doing it wrong and it goes viral,


I'm an optimist too and also believe, as you say, the percentage of bad is exaggerated and goes viral! The only thing I differ with this statement is the fact that I have zero faith in humanity. The flesh is weak. 

"Honor is a man's gift to himself" Rob Roy McGregor

4 hours ago, thewhitesnoop said:

This is a MDC issue.

MDC seems to be all about people gigging game fish, otters eating game fish and people keeping game fish.

*They can stock otters, but not bass

*They allow gigging but I don't think they do much regulating of it.

*They won't protect stream bass from catch and keep. They even open bass season on Memorial weekend when every live bait user in the state is out there putting every fish they catch on the stringer. How dumb is that?

I'm not against gigging, just the gigging of bass (which we know goes along with it, since I doubt MDC has too many agents on the midnight shift to ticket these incidents).

Their solution to the otter problem.....let people trap them. I don't know about you guys, but I haven't seen too many 1760's style French fur trappers floating downstream in wooden canoes, so I think we are screwed on this one.

agreed......and as you said nothing is going to happen when the entity that is in charge of regulating the sport is also enabling the criminals of the sport as well as introducing other factors into the equation that make it worse. After listening to some of MDC 's finest say a few things at the public forum meeting at Powder Valley I am convinced that some employees are completely ignorant or don't want to rock the boat in fear of jeopardizing their jobs.  

I don't waste brain power on it anymore......completely futile

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