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11 minutes ago, moguy1973 said:

Had to break down and get some cheaters this past year.  Those hook eyes are getting mighty small.

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I'm in the same boat although I havent broke down for the cheaters  just yet but probably should ;).


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It doesnt get any better either, you just have to buy more cheaters. One for the boat, the truck, the garage, your office etc etc.  Menards sells them in 6 packs.  :)


              Cheaters my rear!

  Trifocals baby :) .    If you really want to go uptown trifocal sunglasses 🤪


"We have met the enemy and it is us",


   If you compete with your fellow anglers, you become their competitor, If you help them you become their friend"

Lefty Kreh

    " Never display your knowledge, you only share it"

Lefty Kreh

         "Eat more bass and there will be more room for walleye to grow!"


    " One thing in life is for sure. If you are careful you can straddle the barbed wire fence but make one mistake and you will be hurting"


  P.S. "May your fences be short or hope you have long legs"


11 hours ago, moguy1973 said:

Had to break down and get some cheaters this past year.  Those hook eyes are getting mighty small.

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That hook eye is huge compared to trying to tie on a #20 or #24 hook. Fighting age, but will have to break down and get those glasses 😌.


I wear prescription bifocal sunglasses, which goes a long way to solving the problem, but if it's a very small hook eye and light line, I can do better by taking the glasses off.  Being near-sighted all my life, I always wore glasses (tried contacts but my eyes seem to be especially sensitive and I couldn't keep the contacts in very long--finally just got tired of fooling with them).  But my vision was always very sharp close-up, whether or not I had the glasses on.  So when the inevitable change with age occurred, it just meant that I couldn't see close-up with the glasses on anymore.  Hence bifocals.  But, I still see perfectly with no glasses from 8-12 inches away, better even than with the bifocals.  So any close work I do I take the glasses off--I keep them on a strap so that I can just take them off and let them dangle.  And I paint my paintings without the glasses--works well for the close-up detail work, and when I back off it all blurs out and I can see the major shapes and colors.


Y'all didn't eat your carrots when you were younger, did ya?  

When my grades started taking a nosedive in 6th grade my mom decided it was because I couldn't see the blackboard at school 🤣 so to the eye doctor we went.  Sure enough that boy needs glasses.  I wore them until a smoking hot little cowgirl told me that I had beautiful eyes and laid a kiss on me that still to this day haunts my dreams. 

Off came the glasses .... and I haven't needed any since.  😊


I'm near sighted like Al. Anything within a few feet is clear, but it gets blurry enough to be annoying after that. I've got contacts that I wear when I am fishing or hunting, but I just wear my glasses for the most part. Lasik would be awesome, but I'm a tight wad.


Bought some #4 octopus circle hooks last week to tie up some worm harnesses and this tiny hook fell out of the package, glad I dont have to try and thread line thru the eye of this hook.  Had to look at thru a magnifier to see it has a eye on it ;).


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