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24 minutes ago, Bill Jr. said:

I’m probably won’t fish much more this weekend. Here is a bull shoals LM. 4.45 caught on 2.8 swimmer. 


How long and was it caught in Missouri waters??????    :)


Wrench, nice 19.5. Healthy looking fish 


19 hours ago, Bill Jr. said:

It was about 19.5 and caught in a creek that is in MO and AR but on the AR side. Does it has to be in MO? 
here is a higher res pic 


@Bill Jr., I can’t see the marks on your ruler.   Nice fat one though!!!   Nice!


We hope that folks are enjoying the one bass challenge so far. As Pete  pointed out, we really need to be able to see those markings. Also fish from any of the border lakes are eligible regardless of what side of the lake you are fishing.. Good luck and keep sending in photos.


Fishinwrench, here at TRL we’ve had storm after storm blow through since Vernon came to town. We think he is still here hiding somewhere. You’ve picked the right times to go out. I can only imagine how crowded LOZ is during the day this holiday weekend. 

11 hours ago, snagged in outlet 3 said:

@Bill Jr., I can’t see the marks on your ruler.   Nice fat one though!!!   Nice!

SIO3 - sorry but you have to click the 2nd image I sent like 3 times for it to zoom.. no  1/4” increments though. I hope a lot of people were able to get out but know it was tough to impossible for some. I kinda lucked out as even though bull shoals is 30+ feet high the didn’t pull much water so I was able to find some clean water without much logs and debris to worry about. Good luck to all! 

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