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2 hours ago, Mitch f said:

I wonder if great electronics aren’t a huge contributing factor. Also people get stuck in their ways fishing the same old baits. 

I suspect getting stuck in a rut more than electronics.  

Speaking of that, I wonder what Wheeler was throwing?  

1 hour ago, Quillback said:

I suspect getting stuck in a rut more than electronics.  

Speaking of that, I wonder what Wheeler was throwing?  

I would think a rut too. I mean look at it this way....you work and grind and work and grind....make a name for yourself and then for a few years your at the pinnacle. 

Then you start to miss your family....your kids......your free time.....fishing for fun.....maybe other hobbies. Sure you've made a killing via wins....but the grind and the fact that 2X as much money comes from other interest and the desire to chase down the win start fleeting. Sure you may sneak back around and slip in a win here or there and it gives you the feel goods again but you've been there and you know the costs. 

Unfortunately between the sponsorship requirements, media engagements, fishing, practice, travel and ultimately life.....you keep hammering at the things important too you and my guess is "winning" becomes the weakest link in that chain. 

Also probably why the young guys tear it up like they do. Their still on the upward trend and haven't hit the pinnacle where they're constantly running a time deficit in life.


I know that I get treated alot nicer now for fixing guys boats than I ever did when I was trying to beat them fishing.  

And I get way more of their money now too.   I win everytime.  😎👍 

So you go right ahead and be the hammer. I'm happier being the wrench. 😊


Hmmm..... fishing a tournament or going to work. Yea  I would rather go fishing......😂  That’s an easy choice. Winning enough to fish for free and then some is just a bonus. 😉


We sat and figured it up awhile back.  The cost to run an average bass boat calculates from 60.00 to140.00 per hour.   

The 60/hr. is fixing up an old tin boat on the cheap and not carrying insurance. 

Tow vehicle didn't even get added into the figure.  


My favorite so far was this young husband, wife, and small child that had just bought a used bass rig for 11k and the Mariner Magnum EFI on the back of it puked 2 pistons on its 3rd trip out.   

After going over the options and estimates the husband was severely bummed out, but his young bride was being 100% supportive, telling him "it's ok, just a small setback, you'll make the 4600.00 back in no time, right?". 

It was obvious that he had convinced her that if they bought this boat and he quit his job....that he was gonna win LOTS OF MONEY! 

It was all I could do to keep from telling her.... Honey, you might as well go ahead and have the divorce and child support papers drawn up tomorrow.  🙄 

Sure enough, 3 months after the job was completed the EX-wife calls to see if I will handle the sale of the boat.....and her DAD drops it off.  😂

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